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Сочинение на английском на тему мой любимый журнал

5-9 класс

Lizastepanyuk 26 февр. 2014 г., 0:56:06 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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26 февр. 2014 г., 3:40:15 (10 лет назад)

Magazines play a very important part in our life.My favourite magazine is POLINA.I can read almost about everything in this magazine.You can find all information about beauty,care and healthy food.Also you can read about famous places,travelling,about life and culture in different countries of the world.There are many beautiful photos,you can see wonderful places! I like this magazine , because I think it*s very interesting and useful for myself.


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ПОМОГИТЕ ПЖЛСТ,В ДОЛГУ НЕ ОСТАНУСЬ!буду очень благодарна вам;)) Вставить пропущенные предлоги Фразовый глагол BREAK 1. In the Middle Ages a

quite number of terrible diseases broke …….. in Europe

2. The burglars broke …. the house in the middle of night

3. His serious face broke ……. a grin when he read a joke

4. The bus broke …….. so the passengers had to get off

5. War broke … in 1992 and it lasted until 1995

6. The children saw the sea and broke ….. a run

7. I hated it when my old washing machine breaks…….. and I have to wash by hand 8. When I thought that no one was coming to save me, I broke ……. a cold sweat

9. Suddenly a horse broke ….. a gallop

10. You are under arrest. Don’t even thonk of breaking ….

11. My coffee machine seems to have broken …. again

12. At that terrible sight many people broke …. tears

13. We watched her puzzled face broke gently …… a smile

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