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Look at the Language focus. Find examples for 3-6 in the personal profile.

10-11 класс

Language focus: capital letters.
We use capital letters for ...
1 the subject pronoun 'I' i'm 12 years old.
2 the beginning of a sentence Hello!
3 names
4 countries and cities
5 months fnd days
6 languages and nationalities
Перевод такой:
Посмотрите на фокус языка. Найти примеры для 3-6 в личном профиле.

Beankaab 09 сент. 2013 г., 18:54:47 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 сент. 2013 г., 21:39:16 (10 лет назад)

1. I'm 20 years-old. I'm from Kazakhstan. I'm easy going person.
2. Good morning! Bye! See you soon! Nice to meet you!
3. Andrew, Greg, Jo, Ian
4. Russia, Almaty, Oslo, Sweden
5. July, December, Saturday, Monday
6. Persian, Finnish, Greek, Mexican


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Помогите описать картину, как сочинение. Write a description of the painting by V. Serov. Your topic sentence should tell

what the painting is about, in other words, what the subject of the painting is. You should mention if the painting includes people or shapes, if it is a landscape or a still life. Write what the colours are. Use a natural order to describe the details of the picture. Be sure to use exact words to create your description. Describe the feeling it gives you.

помогите пжл ответить на это письмо,срооочно))))пжл!))

Thanks for your letter. It was lonely to hear from you. Sorry. I haven't written for so long. I`d like to tell you what measures young people in my country take to save the environment. Today. our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains . global warming . air and water pollution . overpopulation are the problems that that threaten human life on Earth. Our local community and families try to make our planet a cleaner and safer place. There are different kinds of green parties in our country. They plant trees and create parks. recycle litter. Soon you'll have summer vocation. How are you going to spend this summer? Would you like to come to us ? What are your plans for the coming holidays? Write back soon. Kate.

Помогите пожалуйста перевести без переводчика

Балин самый старый в
Компании Гномов. Он принадлежит королевскому роду, он сам в некотором роде
правитель. Мудрый и мягкий по натуре, он вынужден жить по законам военного
времени и в постоянной борьбе за выживание. До похода он уже обрел некую славу,
как великий воин, прошедший через множество сражений. Эта стать отражается и на
его одеянии. Балин обладает отличным чувством юмора и не малой долей мудрости.
В команде карликов он станет наставником и другом Бильбо. Даже если все гномы
отвернуться от Бильбо, Балин будет последним, кто его предаст. На левой стороне
к нему пристегнут старый клинок гномов. Молодые гномы полны радостного
предвкушения от предстоящей схватки, они рассматривают это как безумное
приключение, но старики знают весь ужас предстоящего. И мне кажется, вот откуда
начинается характер Двалина. Он находится в компании гномов с особой миссией:
он хочет вернуть честь и славу гномьей расы. И это ничего общего (или почти
ничего) не имеет с золотом. Вернуть родовое гнездо, вот его цель. Это
возвращение домой на захваченные земли, чтобы повернуть время вспять. Таким
образом, он очень умный, мудрый и преданный. Про таких говорят настоящий воин.

Читайте также

II. Work with a partner. Look at the facts about Richard Branson and ask and answer questions about how he works. Use these question forms to help you.

Richard Branson’s 10 secrets of success

What … ? Where … ? How … ? Does he … ?

How many … ? How much … ? When … ? Why … ?

Has he … ? How often … ? What sort of … ?

1. He employs people he likes personally. This is more important to him than qualifications.

2. He regularly works an eleven-hour day, starting around eight and finding around seven at night.

3. He spends a lot of time talking to people on the telephone but henever sends memos.

4. He rarely holds board meetings. He makes decisions on the phone or on the tennis court.

5. He has a good memory and he writes people’s names on his hand so he doesn’t forget them.

6. He invites every single one of his 10,000 employees to a party at his home in Oxfordshire every year. The last party cost around &100,000.

7. He continually questions his employees about every aspect of the business and he tries to pick holes in their arguments to find out whether their ideas will work.

8. If he becomes annoyed in meetings, he leaves the room. He hardly ever loses his temper.

9. He has had several business failures in the past and nearly went bankrupt several times but he has always survived. He puts his success down to good ideas, good people, and good luck.

10. He didn’t go into business to make money. He went into business because he wanted a challenge.

как перевести на русский язык, обра­щая внимание на причастия. 1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The little plump

woman standing at the window is my grandmother. 3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle. 4. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the perform­ance had already begun. 6. Looking out of the win­dow, he saw his mother watering the flowers. 7. Hearing the sounds of music we stopped talking 8. She went into the room, leaving the door open.

Look at the pictures. Ask two questions about each of them. на

первой картинке "Westminster Abbey", на второй " Big Ben", на третей
картинке "Tower of London" и на четвёртой "The Houses of Parliament".
Example 1: What does the legend say about Westminster Addey

Complete the text with the correct form of the words in capitals. There is an example at the beginning (0).The songs of the humpback whale are

beautiful (0) collections of moans and sighs and it is possible to make (1) ____ of these with a microphone.With enough (2) ____ you can listen to a song and tell which year it was sung in and where it came from.пожаловатьсяThe whales do most of their (3) ____ in the winter season,after their annual (4) ____ south from the Arctic. It is always the young males who set off first to the tropical breeding areas,and most of the (5) ____ are given by solitary males who are looking for a mate.The songs all have a definite sequence of parts. This (6) ____ is never changed, and there are clear rules of (7) ____ which must not be broken. There is very little (8) ____ between the songs at the start of a season and those from the previous year. However, over the next few months, the different parts of each song may be swapped, shortened, and (9) ____ may be made to the notes. During a breeding season, the whales all try to sing the most up-to-date version of the song. (10) ____ is similar to the way human language evolves, with contributions from many members of the population.
0) collect 1) record 2) practise 3) sing 4) migrate 5) perform 6) arrange 7) compose 8) differ 9) alter 10) develop

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