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That's...film l've seen

5-9 класс

Oleg11a1mail 03 авг. 2013 г., 17:25:11 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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03 авг. 2013 г., 18:06:28 (10 лет назад)

that's best film I've seen


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пожалуйста нууу очень надо
Плиз пожалуйста СРОЧНО
Complete The sentences witj verbs in the present simple or continuous

1.Look at my Stomach! It(get) Bigger! )
2.(You/understand) Japanese?No.I )
3.Where (he/come) from?Taiwan I (think) )
4.Excuse me.you(sit) in my place?Oh I'm sorry' )
5.Which hotel (they/stay) at?The Ritz

(you/kno w) it?

Читайте также

Tomorrow we are going to the cinema. I have wanted to watch "The Triangle" for a long time. Almost all my friend have already seen it. They agree that

it's one of the best films they ever seen. What about you?Have you seen in yet?What film did you see last?Why do you think people like cinema?

14.17*Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями в абсолютной форме:

I. It seems to me that mis hat is not......(your), it is......(my). 2.1 hope you can afford в better car than......
(my). 3.1 am afraid that my apartment is less comfortable than......(your). 4. It seems to me that your dictionary
fe not very good. You may use......(our). 5. Unfortunately, my sister has parted with a friend of......recently
(her). 6. Our neighbours have a good «jeep». Usually I drive my father's old car, but sometimes they give me
......(their). 7. My sister has brought nice expensive clothes from London. Usually I wear my clothes, but sometimes
I wear......(her). '8. I haven't got enough diskettes. May I take......? (your). 9. Our colleague's cousin is вп
artist. I've seen some pictures of......(his) recently. 10.1 haven't got any more coffee. May I take......? (your).
II. Why have you taken these seats? These seats are.....(our).
14. 18 Переведите предложений, используя притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме:
1. Эта вещь - твоя. Ты можешь делать с ней все, что хочешь. 2. Эта машина - наша. Мы можем поехать, куда хотим. 3. Твоя баранья отбивная больше, чем моя. Дай мне ее. 4. В любом случае, стихи моего друга лучше, чем мои. 5. Эта квартира более комфортабельная, чем наша. 6. Моя сестра купила эти книги для себя. Эти книги - ее. 7. Мой брат подарил эту собаку дяде. Эта собака - его. 8. Наши соседи открыли новый ресторан. Этот ресторан - их. 9. Вчера я встретила твоего друга в кино. Мне показалось, что он болен. 10. В прошлое воскресенье мой брат плохо себя чувствовал. Я попросила одного из его друзей побыть с ним дома.

Составьте предложение из данных слов:

1) that a fast I've got white doesn't go van very
2) films I'm are in lot a which of famous
3) My office in husband garage works next a that is to my
4) I problems in trouble solve who are for people
5) a is I of information lot that top secret have
6) Africa I which country in Botswana, is a in live
7) adventures have I countries where go to different I

Example:Lisa is prettier than Clair.

as Clair is not as pretty as Lisa.
1) I'ts the most interesting film I've ever seen.
I______________________an interesting film.
2)Meat isn't as healthy as vegetables.
than Vegetables are_______________________meat.
3)Tom's sister is 16.My sister is 16 too.
old My sister is___________________Tom's sister.
4)Peter is less handsome than Roger.
more Roger is___________________Peter.
5)Kate speaks English better than Pavlo.
well Pavlo doesn't______________Kate does.
6)My car is old.Your car is new.
than Your car__________________mine

Помогите составить общие вопросы, специальные вопросы, вопросы к подлежащему. 1. Peter has opened the window. 2. We

have read a very good book.

3. Mary has lost her dog.

4. My friends have gone to school.

5. They've seen an interesting film.

6. Misha's been to London.

7. You've bought the book.

8. We've finished our work.

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