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Julie is in the/a sports centre with his friend

5-9 класс

M20054ya 31 мая 2013 г., 19:51:12 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 мая 2013 г., 20:42:59 (11 лет назад)

Julie is in the sports center with his friend

+ 0 -
31 мая 2013 г., 22:15:13 (11 лет назад)

Julie is in the sports center with her friend - Джулия в спортивном центре с подругой - нужно исправить his на her,  потому что Джулия девочка и подруга ЕЕ, а не ЕГО


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Придумывайте какую ни будь новость, не очень маленькая и не очень большая Например : сегодня в Москве играют футболисты ИСКА .В команде 10

человек. Сейчас они готовятся и тренируются к финалу. Желаем им успеха в игре. Смотрите прямую трансляцию в канале Россия в 5 часов ( этот пример учителя ). ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ?

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Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous 1 Where's Bob? In the park.Hi (play) with his friends 2 What (she/do)? She (watch) TV? 3 Where

(they/go) ? To the supermarket (you/go) with them? 4 Tim (not /work ) at present ? Really? (he/look) for a job?

Chuckles is in the house,

Chuckles is in the tree,
Chuckles is in the tree house,
Looking at you and me!
Chuckles is in the kitchen,
Chuckles is in the house,
Chuckles is in the bathroom,
Looking at a mouse!

Пожалуйста помогите как этот стих читается по английский

Очень срочно люди....... Complete the text with verbs in the Past Simple. Last weekend Tina And her parents ---------- the noisy city. They --------

very busy. This is what they ---------. On Saturday they -------- their flat. Mother ---------- some delicious cakes. Father ------- tickets for a theatre play. Tina ------ her homework. On Sanday they --- to the theatre. After the play they---------- in the Children's Park. They ------- at a cafe for ice-cream.

2)Say what Tina and Victor didn't do. Example: Last Sunday Victor visited his grandparents. Tina didn't visit her grandparents. 1. Tina saw a new play at the theatre. Victor --------- a play at the theatre. 2 Victor played footbal with his friends. Tina ----- footbal. 3 Tina made cakes. Victor ----- cakes. 4 Tina went to the Children's Park. Victor ------- to the C. P. 5 Tina took pictures. Victor --- pictures. (Спс за ранее)))

Paul is in the park. He often(go) after thr lessons there. Now he (go) on exciting rides there.

Pete is at the school stadium. He (ride) a skateboard. He (be) very good at it.
Steve and Mike are at the zoo. They (take) photos of the animals there. Steve and Mike (be) interested in photography. Jane is at Sarah`s birthday party. She and her friends (enjoy) a birthday cake.
Sue is at home. She(chat) with Linda on the phone. They (exchange) their school news rvery day.
Bill is at Ted`s home. They (do) homework together. Bill often(help) Ted with maths.
Linda(ride) a horse at the club. She(visit) the club every Wednesday.

А Rob is in the forest, but he is talking to his brother Mark on hisА Rob is in the forest, but he is talking to his brother Mark on his mobile

phone. You can hear only Rob's words. Read and answer the questions:1. Where is Mark?
2. Is he alone?
3. Are they lucky with the weather?
4. What is Rosy doing?
5. What is Mark doing?

Rob: Where are you?
Mark: ...
Rob: That's great! Spain is beautiful. What's the weather like?
Mark: ...
Rob: Oh, no! That's very unlucky. So what is Rosy doing?
Mark: ...
Rob: In the swimming pool?!
Mark: ...
Rob: You're joking! The water is cold, isn't it?
Mark: ...
Rob: OK, I see. And what are you doing?
Mark: ...
Rob: Again! I think it's the most boring film in the world!
Mark: ...
Rob: All right then. (Ну ладно.) Say hello to Mum and Dad! Bye!
Mark: ...

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