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Fun with Chip 1. Write Possessives. 1) the name of my brother ________________________________________. 2) the toys of his friends

1-4 класс

_____________________________________. 3) the kittens of her cat __________________________. 4) the books of my teacher _______________________. 5) the friends of the boys _______________________________________. 2. Complete the sentences. Use your imagination. Hi ! My name is Kate. This is my mother. Her name is Nora. She is a ____________________. My ________ name is Boris. He is a _____________________. My ________________ names are Ben and john. They want to be _________________. l want to be a __________.

Demin123 03 марта 2017 г., 19:57:23 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 марта 2017 г., 22:12:35 (7 лет назад)

My brother's name
His friends' toys
Her cat's kittens
My teacher's books
Boys' friends
2. She is a teacher.
My brother's name is Boris.
He is a pupil.
My cousins' names are Ben and John.
They want to be doctors.
I want to be a singer.


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Помогите срочно!!!!!!!!!
answer the questions: 1. what school do you study at? (я учусь в коллегиуме № 1 г. Пологи) 2. how many lessons a day have you got?


3. when do you lessons start? (в 8 часов)

4. how many breaks have you got every day? (4)

5. where do you have lunch? (в соловой в коллегиуме)

6. do you wear a school uniform? (нет)

7. what don't you like about your school?(мне нравится всё)

Читайте также

1. Write Possessives. Example: the names of my brothers - my brothers' names 1) the friends of my sisters

______________________________________________________ 2) the books of his aunts ________________________________________________________3) the toys of her cousins _________________________________________________________ 4) the names of my friends _______________________________________________. 2. Guess the words. 1) your mother' s mother ___________________________________. 2) your father's brother ___________________________________. 3) your uncle's wife __________________________. 4) your grandmother's husband ___________________________. 3. Write what relatives they are. Ted is Linda's ____________ ; Linda is Ted's ___________________; Sam is Linda's brother._____; He is Kate's __________________; Nora is Sam's _________________; Ben is Nora and Sam's ____________________________; He is Kate's _________________________.

Write Possessives.Example: the names of my brothers - my brothers's names1) the friends of my sisters2) the books of his


3) the toys of her cousins

4) the names of my friends

Перефразируйте словосочетания, употребляя притяжательный падеж1. The ball of the dog. 2. The skateboard of that man. 3. The songs of the children. 4.

The umbrella of my grandmother. 5. The room of my friend. 6. The questions of my son. 7. The table of our teacher. 8. The wife of my brother. 9. The poems of Pushkin. 10. The voice of this girl. 11. The new club of the workers. 12. The letter of Pete. 13. The car of my parents. 14. The life of this woman. 15. The flat of my sister.

She is the daughter of my mother.She is my...

She is the sister of my mother. She is my......
He is the son of my mother. He is my....

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