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помогите найти текс название there is no plane like home там про фермера и почтольено и мальчика

1-4 класс

Veselkova2015 06 дек. 2013 г., 22:27:00 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 дек. 2013 г., 0:39:57 (10 лет назад)

Не plaNe, a plaCe

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We met on Sunday , .... ?
The pupils are seldom late , ...?
We can sing English songs , ... ?
They never play on the floor , ... ?
There is no bookcase near the wall , ... ?
There was a blackboard in that classroom last year , ... ?
Pupils dont often laugh at maths , ... ?
We shall study art next year , ... ?
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помагите и еще одно пожалуста. Заповни пропуски словами з рамки. ( Dad, kitchen, plays, chicken, never, clean, cooking.) Come and visit my home on Sunday!

It is light and ..... . My Mum is in the .... . She is ..... dinner. She usually makes a .... on Sunday. My ..... is in the living room. He is playing with my little brother. Dad always ...... with him on Sunday. I' m watching TV. But my drother .... watches TV- he is only 2.

Помогите пожалуйста....

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Ребята помогите пожалуйста перевести текс, и написать как правильно его читать .Огромное вам спасибо. Hello,Taras! Thank you for

your letter.

You are lucky your mother is a housewife.My mother is not.When father goes to work with him,too. We, children, must help her about the house.My sister does the ironing and washing-up.I go shopping and feed our pet.Sometimes i help dad to fix things.Mum doesn't like when it is not clean in the house.She saus,The right thing in the right place.So,we tidy our rooms,sweep the floor and water the flowers.Today mum is very tired fnd I want to help her.I am going to do the shopping.There is some milk but there isn't any bread in the house.I should go to the shop andget some white bread and a jar of jam. Kate wants to make some toasts for tea.She is good at making toasts.You know,we are big tea-drinkers.We have tea several timesa day.We often drink it with milk.We,Englishmen,love our homes.There is no place like home- peopie in Britain say.We like to have pest at home and do gardening. There are always lots of flowers in front of houses . You can come and see.We are glad to meet you in England.Bye for now,Bill.

Помогите подобрать нужный предлог Английский язык: 1) There are two desks next / to / in / on/ the window. 2) There is no pantry

/on / in/ at/ his flat.

3) There is a nice carpet /at / on / in/ the floor.

4) I share a large room / of / from/ with/ my brother.

5) There are many interesting books / at / on/ in/ the shelf.

Заранее спасибо)

There is ... on the table. There are ... on the

table. Is there ... on the table ? are there...
on the table? there is no ... on the table.
There are no ... on the table.

There is a round table at the window. There are three chairs at the table. The fourth chair is at wall. There is a sofa? a bed big clock and a lot of toys

in our room. There is no tv in the room. We like to play in our room. Проверить артикли

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