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I____ (visit) amerika twice we____(buy) tickets for the football match on saturday

5-9 класс

Lizapyzhova 11 дек. 2013 г., 14:41:49 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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11 дек. 2013 г., 17:01:20 (10 лет назад)

I have visited america twice.


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Planning your big dinner!



Помогите, пожалуйста!


1.Do you have a friend?
2.Has he / she ever let you down?
3.Do you have fun together?

помогите пожалуйста))

надо составить короткие диалоги с предложениями:

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Ребят помогите с английским поставьте слова в скобках в Present Perfect

1) I _____ (visit) America twice , I went in 2002 and last year
2) Paul _____(never\ win ) a competition in his life , but he always tries hard.
3) ________(Sally and Mark/find) a new house yet? No they _____(look) at over twenty houses this week, but they ______(not see) one they like
4) We (buy) tickets for the football match on Saturday. Do you want to go?
5) I ` ve got a messsage for Sue and I don`t know where she is ____(you/see) her?
6) _________(Sarah/see) that film ? Let`s go and see it tomorrow if she_____(not see) it yet
7) You _________ ( not answer ) my question yet ,

1 Fill in the missing words. Write one word only in each gap. 1 We didn't find tickets for the play. It was


................................ out.

2 I can't ................... feeling sorry for the homeless.

3 If you don't ..................... up, we'll miss the plane.

4 I'm looking .......................... to my summer holiday.

5 The hotel is busy, so book a room ...................................


6 You don't .................................. to wash the dishes.

I'll do it later.

7 Apologising now won't ....................................................

any difference.

8 You ................................. have a passport to travel


9 "What does he do for a .............................................. ?"

"He's a musician."

10 There's no answer. They .......................................................

be sleeping.

1 1 He got back home just in ..................................................

for dinner.

12 Statues are usually made of .............................................

13 Mary's always chatting .....................................................

the phone. It's so annoying!

14 You .............................................. better ask for help.

15 I couldn't ................................. my eyes when I saw

Tom Cruise enter the shop.

16 John has a part-time job for the summer to make some extra

17 hie hasn't got enough money to set ...............................

his own business.

18 Her eyes are red. She must have .....................................


19 The Eiffel Tower is a famous tourist ....................................

20 Lack of money has .......................................... back the

construction of the new shopping centre.

2 Circle the correct item.

1 People who ride their bicycles on the povement

are a public .............................

A nuisance

B attraction

C performer

2 He is wearing a ............... tie.

A flat

B striped

C long

3 We managed to get ............... of some tickets

in the end.

A advance

B offer

C hold

4I haven't seen John. He ............... be at the


A can't

B must

C can

5 The film was so sad that I was ............... to


A impressed

B moved

C excited

6 My teacher made me ........... the essay again.

A to write

B writing

C write

7 Stand ............ ! I want to take a picture of you.

A convincing

B real

C still

8 Oh, no! I forgot ............... the phone bill.

A paying

B to pay

C pay

9 Due to popular ..............., they're showing the

film for an extra week.

A function

B demand

C challenge

10 I remember...............a magazine but now I don't

know where it is.

A buying

B to buy

C buy

3 Complete the dialogues.

1 A: Hi, Steve! ...........................:...............

going out together?

B: I'd like to, but I'm working late tonight.

A; ........................ tomorrow evening, then?

B: Yes, that would be nice.

2 A: And ................................................ ?

B: A glass of Coke, please.

3 A: Can I use the phone?

B: Sorry — I'm .......................................

4 A: How ....................................... , Sally?

B: The music was great. I really enjoyed it.

выполните следующие предложения, используя past perfect

1) Doris explained that he ( not to understand) rule number.
2)Angela wanted to know if they( to be) there before .
3)Olaf asked if we (to buy ) tickets for the new play.
4) mother wondered if James ( to pay) for the tickets to Paris .
5) Aunt Grace said she ( to visit ) the Bahrushin Theatre Museum in Moscow .
6) She added that she ( to spend ) three hours there
7) Andrew told his brother he ( to choose ) a birthday present for their mother.
Помогите пожалуйста!!!!! очень срочно!!!!!!!!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to.1)I .... Learn English everu day . I have problems with it.2) My friends .... write a test . They

are getting ready for it.3)Alice .... phone her granny . She is ill.4)He .... buy tickets for the bus .5)They .... go by train every day . They Live in the village and work in the city.6)We .... speak French to our guest from France. He doesnt understand Russian.

A3. Choose the correct variant without the definite article the.

1) Maly Theatre
2) Old Circus
3) Tsvetnoi Boulevard
4) Russian Federation
A4. Choose the correct form of the verb.
Then she came up to Sam. "Dad called. He ... the ticket for a football match."
1) just bought 3) had just bought
2) just buys 4) has just bought

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