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вопросы к предложению: Many other towns in britain small and large also still have lollipop ladies in their streets. заранее сПаСиБо

5-9 класс

AlinaBoul 02 июня 2013 г., 3:09:15 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 июня 2013 г., 5:14:59 (11 лет назад)

What are the towns in Britain?
Many small or large towns in Britain?
Who are the lollipop ladies?
What do on the streets,the lollipop ladies?(They helps people on the streets?)


Другие вопросы из категории


when I had finished.......my homework I went....to bed.

177- What tense should be used if the sentence has one of these words&

1-now -..........
2 at the moment -.........

3 in 1945 -............

4 the other day -.................
5 last week-.............
6 this week -.............

7 next week - ...........

8 already -.................

9 yet - ..............

10 the day before yesterday-............
И составьте предложение с этими словами ^ Заранее спасибо.


I. Complete the expressions with a, the or zero article:
1. go by…plane 11. have … rest

2. go to …school 12. leave … message

Fill in articles wherer necessary.

EXAMPLE: What ... beautiful daisy! Wht ... deep snow!
What ... fine weather!
What a beautifui daisy! What deep smow! What fine weather!
1) What ... mild climate there!
2 What ... ftesh air in high mountains!
3) What ... tasty pancakes!
4) What ... beautiful building!
5) what dirty water!

Читайте также

вставить слова вместо точек. Christmans is the ... in modern Britain on which a lot of tradition ... by most ordinary people. In Britain it ... on 25 De

cember.Today it ... with ''making money by shops'' that is now of tradition:most people ... the tradition of buying gifts for their family members.People also buy a Christmans tree.This tradition came from Germany. It ... in the nineteenth century.Every Christmas,London gets a gift from the people of Norway-a Christmas tree that is 23 metres high.It stands in the centre of London,in Trafalgar Square and it is decorated with 500 white lights. Christmans is a time that ... families. At night people get together to ... Christmas. Celebrating Christmas ... a Christmas dinner and listening to the Queeh's Christmas ... when the Queen speaks directly to ''her'' people on TV and on the radio. There are many royal traditions in Britain. The Queen's telegram is not a very old custom but it is very old people. Every British person gets a telegram from the Queen on their ohe-hundredth ... . The Changing of the ... is very beautiful tradition.Every morning tourists go to watch the ceremohy at Buckingham Palace. At 11.30 the guard that stands in front of the palace change. слова которые нужно вставить; guard, speech, was introced,includes,is connected,occasion,is celebrated,follow, mark, are preserved, unites anniversary.

перевести текст: In the middle in Europe watermills and windmills brought a revolution to the production of power. The new technologies enabled

people to construct wonderful cathedrals - the best example of Gotic architecture. During the 14th century guns appeared in Europe.

From the 15th to the 17th century the period of Renaissance spread in Europe. The new World was discovered and explored. The printed boks helped the development of European cultural life. The Renaissance saw a new interest in technology, and the new technology led to new problems. One problem was that shipbuilding and iron industry needed a lot of wood and Europe soon lost its forests Another problem was the need in more powerful engines

The 18th century in Europe was the time of the Industrial Revolution, the time when technology developed very fast. In 1712 Thomas Newcomen, an Englishman, invented the steam engine. In the 1760s, James Watt improved the Newcomen engine, which opened the way to construction steamboat and locomotives in the early 19th century.

The Industrial Revolution gave rise to the engineering profession. More and more universities began to train engineers.

During the 19th and 20th centuries people`s lives have greatly changed thanks to scince and technology. Achievements in transportation, comunications and use of energy have had a great influence on the modern society. Medical knowledge has given people longer and healthier lives. Computers are giving us new opportunities at work and at home. Now people have better living standartsand much more free time.

One the other hand, a lot of people may argue that such great technological achievements do not come without a price. New technology has led to creating technology and spread of information have brought with them less privacy; the great use and abuse of natural resources is now damaging the environment; the great intensity of human life leads to stresses and makes us question the advantages of high technology.

помогите пожалуйста разделительные вопросы срочнооооооо!!!!!!!! 1) In Britain people don’t congratulate each other on national holidays,

2) Foreign visitors should note how loudly people around them are talking, ____________?
3) In Britain it isn’t considered bad manners to eat in the street, ____________?
4) A small Russian souvenir will be fine if you are a guest at a British home, ____________?
5) Religious holidays can become national ones in some countries, ____________?
6) It is not polite to stare at another person, ____________?
7) Different peoples have different greeting habits, ____________?
8) Foreigners make friends slowly, ____________?
9) National holidays and celebrations must unite people, ____________?
10) It is a bad idea not to queue in line, ____________?

СРОЧНО! Упростите этот текст, чтобы его было легче пересказать, очень надо. In Britain teenagers judge you by the shirt

or trainers you are wearing. Most teenagers think it is important to wear designer labes. Nike, Diesel and Paul Smith are the top favourites. Teenagers also worry about their looks and weight, like in many other western countries. Many girls in Britain are on a diet, although one in eight of them is overweight.

выделите пожалуйста главное примерно 5 предложений The UK is an island country and its weather and climate are strongly

influenced by the sea which surrounds the British Isles(Great Britain and Ireland).As the British Isles are many times smaller then other lands in the Northern Hemisphere,they are more influenced by the ocean than inland countries with similar latitude.The sea warms up and cools down more slowly than land,keeping winters relatively warm but also making the summer cooler.Also,the warm sea current called the Gulf Stream which starts in the Gulf of Mexico keeps the sea on the west side of Britain warmer-frosts are rare in these areas.The overall climate in the UK is called temperate maritime.This means that it is mild with temperatures not much lower than 0(градусов)С in winter and not much higher than 30(градусов)С in summer.It also means that it is damp and changeable.

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