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Переведите пожалуйста текст,только хорошо!A trip to London is never complete without a visit to the Tower of London. The site dates back to the 11 th

10-11 класс

century arid is guarded by the Yeoman warders, or 'Beefeaters!

King Henry Vlll first introduced Beefeaters in 1485

When he used them as bodyguards. Their duties included

looking after the prisoners in the Tower and guarding the Crown Jewels. These days though, their main role is to act as guides for

the many tourists that visit the Tower every year. They also

take care of the eight big black ravens that live in the tower.

There are 36 Yeoman Warders at the Tower and they are all

men who were in the armed forces for 22 years or more.

They live in the Tower with their families.

The Beefeaters are most famous for their striking red and gold uniform, but they actually only wear this on formal occasions. Most of the time they wear a dark blue uniform with red trimmings*.

No one is exactly sure where the name 'Beefeater' comes from.

One theory says that the warders used to be paid with meat instead of money! Others say that the name comes from the French word bvffetier. Buffetiers were guards in the palace of French Kings. They protected the King's food.

Krasaviva 31 дек. 2013 г., 9:25:05 (10 лет назад)
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31 дек. 2013 г., 12:02:21 (10 лет назад)

Путешествие в Лондон никогда нельзя считать полноценным без посещения Тауэра. Это здание датируется обратно к 11 веку и охраняется стражами или как их еще называют Бифитеры ( солдат охраны Лондонского Тауэра). Король Генрих 8 впервые представил Бифитеров в 1485 году как личных охранников. В их обязанности входило следить за заключенными и Королевской Сокровищницей. Но в наши дни их обязанность сдедить за толпами туристов которые ежегодно посещают Тауэр. Также они следят за 8 большими воронами которые живут в башне. В Тауэре 36 стражей и все они мужчины которые служили в вооруженных силах 22 года или дольше. Они живут в Тауэре со своими семьями. Бифитеры наиболее знамениты за свою красную с золотым форму, но они одевают ее только в особых случаях. Большую часть времени они носят темно голубую форму с красной отделкой. Никто точно не уверен откуда взялось название Бифитеры. Одна из догадок гласит что Бифиторам обычно платили мясом а не деньгами. Другие говорят что слово произошло от французского bvffetier

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31 дек. 2013 г., 12:36:27 (10 лет назад)

Поездка в Лондон никогда не будет полным без визита в лондонском Тауэре. Сайт восходит к 11-мзасушливый века охраняется Йомен надзирателей, или «Бифитеры!
Король Генрих Vlll впервые Бифитеры в 1485
Когда он использовал их в качестве телохранителей. Их обязанности входило
уход за заключенными в Тауэре и охраняют драгоценности короны. В эти дни, хотя, их основная роль заключается в качестве руководства для
многие туристы, которые посещают башню ежегодно. Они также
заботиться о восьми больших черных воронов, которые живут в башне.
Есть 36 Yeoman надзиратели на башню, и все они
люди, которые были в вооруженных силах в течение 22 лет или более.
Они живут в Башне со своими семьями.
В Бифитеры являются самым известным их ярко-красном и золотом мундире, но они на самом деле только носить это на официальных мероприятиях. Большую часть времени они носят темно-синий мундир с красными отделкой *.
Никто не совсем уверен, где имя "Beefeater" происходит от


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1)...........are you? - I am fine.
2)..........are you? - I am at home.
3)..............are you busy? -On Saturday.
4)...........are you? -I am ten.
5).......aare you sad? - I have a bad mark.

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1. This mountain has never been climbed be fore. 2. She told me that those newspapers had been carefully put away where they would not be lost. 3. Why have these cups been put here in this cupboard? 4. Nick was told to go home at once. 5. Invitations have been sent to all the old pupils to be present at the school's thirtieth anniversary. 6. All the passengers in the bus were listening to the story of the boy who had been saved from drowning by the quickness of the driver. 7. The work was finished in time. 8. The child is taken care of. 9. When was it done? 10. What museums were visited last year? 11. Have your compositions been handed in? 12. What has been said is true. 13. After the facts had been thoroughly explained to her, she no longer felt worried. 14. He was fined for crossing the street in the wrong place. 15. The Greeks were attacked by the Persians from the sea . 16. This book must be read by every student. 17. This film can be seen at our cinema. 18. Spar tan children were taught by their parents to en dure all hardships. 19. Which article was translat ed by your brother? 20. They were being taught drawing at that lesson. 21. This name was seldom mentioned in his novels. 22. I am often told about it. 23. This man has been much spoken of.

Читайте также

Переведите 1, 3, 4 абзацы. The Tower of London 1. The Tower of London was begun by William the Conqueror as a fortress and palace. Later k

ings made it larger and stronger and kept soldiers, armour, weapons, treasure,and sometimes important prisoners there. For five hundred years coins of realm were minted at the Tower and official documents stored in some of the castle buildings. There was ever a zoo there, which began as the king's private collection of animals.

2. Nowadays it is busy with thousands of visitors. In fact the Tower today is like a traditional English village. The ravens are certainly among the the most important residents in Tower, for — so the story goes — if they every leave, the Tower will fall and England with it.

З. These days there are usually about six ravens hopping and necking around the Tower lawns in the daytime. One of the Yeoman Warders cares for,them. He feeds them on raw meat, biscuits soaked in blood, rabbits' heads, fruit and eggs. He talks them back into their cage every night, and from time to time clips their wings — just to take sure that they never do leave.

4. The Yeoman Warders have guarded the Tower since reign of Henry VIII. Every day at the Tower ends with the Ceremony of the Keys. The soldiers of the Tower Guard escort the Chief Yeoman Warder as he looks the outer gates. When this is done the guard salute "the Queen's keys" and the Chief Warder calls out "God preserves Queen Elizabeth". Then he takes the keys to the Governor in Queen's House. The Tower of London is safe and secure for the night. It is a very old ceremony —700 years old.

VII. Прочитайте 2 абзац и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос.

Why are the ravens cared to carefully in the Tower?

1. These days there are usually about six ravens hopping and necking around the Tower lawns in the daytime.

2. Nowadays it is busy with thousands of visitors.

З. The ravens are certainly among the most important residents in the Tower, for — so the story goes — if they every leave, the Tower will fall and England with it.

Переведите плз текст, только чтобы по смыслу все подходило Giant pandas, found only in China, are one of the world's most endangered

species. There are only about 1600 left in the wild and another 200 in captivity. The female panda has an average of only about 7 cubs (baby pandas) in her lifetime. This is why it is extremely important that we protect these beautiful animals.
In April 2006, a four-year-old male panda called Xiang Xiang was released into the wild. He was the first panda born in captivity to be set free. This was more than 40 years after the birth of the first giant panda in captivity. Xiang Xiang, whose name means 'lucky', has a radio collar so scientists can follow his movements. When released, he barked like an angry dog and ran towards photographers before heading into the forest!
Xiang Xiang began training to be a wild panda from the age of two. He was raised at the Panda Centre in the Wolong Nature Reserve Where more than a hundred pandas live (more than half of the oandas in captivity!). Xiang Xiang's habital trainig began in a five acre open space. He later went to a much larger area that was more like a natural panda habital. There, Xiang xiang learned to build a place to live and to eat bamboo. He started to become aggressive towards humans and make noises like a wild panda. Also , his health improved and he began to have more energy.
The area around the Wolong Nature Reserve is the largest giant panda habitat in the world. Scientists will work out how many more pandas can live in this area, then they will release that number into the wild. Xiang Xiang was released into the western end of the Wolong Nature Reserve. There, he may meet other pandas. However, will they befriend him or not? If they do, then in the future pandas will be released in eight or ten different locations. The plan os to double the number of pandasin the wild by releasing around 15 each year.
Conservationalists hope many more pandas like Xiang Xiang will be released back into their natural habital. However, the giant panda's habitat has been shrinking more and more due to deforestation for wood and farming. This is the greatest threat of all to pandas. For this reason, the Chinese government has decided to protect 28 natural areas. They have also set up centres like the Chengdu Research Base. This research base started with six pandas whose habitat had been destroyed. Today it has 33 and they plan to reintroduce some of them to the wild in the future.
It is important to breed pandas and to release them into the wild. However, protecting their habitat is the most important step. This is the only way to make sure they survive.

Переведите пожалуйста текст ‘Avoid a rush-hour’ must be the slogan of large cities the world over. If it is, it’s a slogan no one takes at least

notice of. Twice a day, with predictable regularity, the pot boils over. Whenever you look it’s people, people, people. The trains which leave or arrive every few minutes are packed: an endless procession of human sardine tins. The streets are so crowded, there is hardly room to move on the pavement. The queues for buses reach staggering proportions. It takes ages for a bus to get to you because the traffic on the roads has virtually come to a standstill. Even when a bus does at least arrive, it’s so full, it can’t take any more passengers. The smallest unforeseen event can bring about conditions of utter chaos. A power-cut, for instance, an exceptionally heavy snowfall or a minor derailment must always make city-dwellers realize how precarious the balance is. The extraordinary thing is not that people put up with these conditions, but that they actually choose them in preference to anything else. Large modern cities a too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who inhabit them. City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with the land and the rhythm of nature. It’s possible to live such an air conditioned existence in the large city that you are barely conscious of the seasons. A few flowers in a public park (if you have time to visit it) may remind you whether it’s spring or summer. A few leaves clinging to the pavement may remind you it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. Tall buildings blot out the sun, traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere. Even the distinction between day and night is lost. The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise never stops.

Проверьте, пожалуйста, текст по английскому и исправьте возможные грамматические ошибки. Big Ben is the name of the great bell of the Palace of

Westminster in London. Often the name refers to the clock and the clock tower in general, who in 1012 called the Tower of Elizabeth. The height of tower is 96.3 meters. The London Eye is one of the largest Ferris wheel in the world. Its height of 135 meters and a diameter of 120 meters. Tower Bridge is a drawbridge in central London on the River Thames, near The Tower of London. It opened in 1894 The Palace of Westminster is the building, where the meeting of the British Parliament. Before 1529 served as the seat of English kings. All these places are the symbols of London and Britain.

Переведите пожалуйста. Заранее спасибо!

London was first mentioned in 61 A.D. It was called Londinium then. The first settlements were built on two hills on the North bank of the River Thames to avoid the danger of flooding. Today these two areas are Westminster and St.Paul's. They are linked by the Strand.

The Romans made Londinium a large city and built walls around it. We learn where some gates of the city walls stood from such names as Bishopsgate, Ludgate, etc.

One of the most interesting ways to see London is to go down the Thames from Westminster Bridge to the Tower of London or even to Greenwich. From the River Thames much of the city's history can be seen through its buildings.

For over 1000 years the Thames was the busiest road of London, the narrow streets being inconvenient for traffic. Hundreds of boats sailed the river. All and everything was transported by water, even the prisoners were taken to the Tower by boat.

The Tower of London is its most interesting link with history, dating back to the 11th century. It was built by William the Conqueror to impress the Saxons and to guard the river approaches to London. It was once a citadel, a royal palace, a state prison, a mint, now it is a museum.

In 1666 a great fire hit the city destroying most of the buildings. To commemorate the Fire a tall column 202 ft high was erected not far from St.Paul's cathedral. Both of these were built by the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren.

After the Fire houses were built of stone and brick instead of wood and plaster, the streets were made much wider, London healed its wounds and became one of the biggest cities of the world.

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