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I told / would tell my parents if my classmates bullied me.

5-9 класс

Prostonnika 05 апр. 2014 г., 23:43:10 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 апр. 2014 г., 2:16:31 (10 лет назад)

I would tell my parents if my classmates bullied me


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How cold Annas day have been different? Rewrite the sentences using the third conditional. пример: Anna was bored

.She phoned Tom.

If Anna hadnt been bored,she wouldnt have phoned Tom.

1. They decided to go to the cinema .Anna got on her bike.

Fill in the missing words.

1)Doctors use a special .... when they talk about medicine.
2)Where did you buy this ..... for children?
3) The baby*s .... is very small, he knows only ten words.
4)There is a .... at the end of the book. You can find all the difficult words there .
5)What famos .... of the English language do you know?
6)This book is a German-English ... .
7) Pupils write the new English words in their .... .
8) When you open a ... you can learn a lot about words.

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Сhoose the right from.

1. If i saw a ghost in my room, i laughed / would laugh.
2. Nikki is lonely. Iа she would join / joined a club, she would make a lot of friends.
3. Jake would have / will have better marks if he studied more.
4. If i lived / will live in England, i would speak English better.
5. I told / would tell my parents if my classmates bullied me.

помогите составить 5 предложений 1)If someone bullied me, I would.... 2)If someone bullied me, I would.... 3)If someone bullied me,

I would....

4)If someone bullied me, I would....

5)If someone bullied me, I would....

8. Закончите предложения, поставив глаголы в скобках в правильной форме. Используйте условные предложения II,III и смешанного типа:

1. If I _____ (be) bullied, I would tell my parents about it.
2. I _____ (give) you this book yesterday if I had finished my literature essay.
3. If you ____ (be) braver, you could become a war correspondent.
4. If she ______ (phone) me yesterday, I would meet her at the airport this morning.

Поставить в нужную форму cлова в скобках 1. If my parents ...(allow) me to get a Saturday job, I would buy a new computer game 2. If he di

d not do sports, he often ...(fall) ill.

3. If she were in trouble, she ...(phone) me.

4. If she ...(be) more energetic, she ...(try) her chance.

5. if I ...(be) you, I ...(try) to explain the problem to my parents

Complete the sentences 1. If my parents ...(allow) me to get a Saturday job,I would buya new computer game 2.If he didnt do sports,he often ...(fall)

ill 3. If she were in trouble,she ..(phone)me 4.If she ..(be) you,I ..(try) to explain the problemto my parents Помогите пожалуйста))

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