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Сочинение по англичанке " My kithen"

10-11 класс

Skilet8 10 апр. 2013 г., 21:51:50 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 апр. 2013 г., 0:47:44 (11 лет назад)

English people have a special cuisine. Traditional English dishes include fish and chips, roast beef, steak, pudding and some others. It’s natural that all types of food can be found in English restaurants nowadays. For example, fans of Japanese food will easily find sushi in English cities, fans of Italian food, will easily find all sorts of pasta and pizza in England. However, many people want to try traditional British cuisine when visiting England. For breakfast English people prefer either oatmeal or cereal with milk, fried eggs with bacon, a glass of orange juice or a cup of fresh coffee. During lunch many people are away at work, or at school, so they carry their lunch with them. It usually consists of a couple of delicious sandwiches with ham, cheese and fresh vegetables, and a small pack of juice. Many Englishmen drink 5 o’clock tea with cookies. It’s a kind of English siesta. For dinner families usually gather around the dining-table to chat and to share some tasty dishes. Among them steaks or fish, steamed vegetables, rice, fresh salad, and a glass of wine or beer, depending on tastes. Children drink either water, or tea. English families often go out for an evening meal, especially on Friday nights. Traditional English cuisine contains many interesting recipes, but probably the most famous of all is “Fish & Chips”. This dish consists of fried chops from fish and French fries. On special occasions English people often serve roast turkey and traditional pudding. Many people tend to criticize the English cuisine, nevertheless, it has a certain charm and value.Англичане имеют особую кухню. Традиционные английские блюда включают рыбу и чипсы, ростбиф, бифштекс, пудинг и некоторые другие. Вполне естественно, что во всех английских ресторанах в настоящее время можно найти все виды пищи. Например, любители японской кухни легко найдут суши в английских городах, любители итальянской кухни, легко найдут все виды пасты и пиццы в Англии. Тем не менее, многие хотят попробовать традиционные блюда британской кухни во время посещения Англии. На завтрак англичане предпочитают либо овсянку, либо хлопья с молоком, яичницу с беконом, стакан апельсинового сока или чашку свежего кофе. Во время обеда многие люди на работе или в школе, поэтому они берут свой обед с собой. Он обычно состоит из пары вкусных бутербродов с ветчиной, сыром и свежими овощами, и пакетика сока. Многие англичане пьют чай с печеньем в 5 часов. Это своего рода английская сиеста. На ужин семьи обычно собираются вокруг обеденного стола, чтобы пообщаться и разделить некоторые вкусные блюда. Среди них стейки или рыба, тушеные овощи, рис, свежие салаты и стакан вина или пива, в зависимости от вкуса. Дети пьют либо воду, либо чай. Английские семьи часто идут куда-нибудь на ужин, особенно в пятничный вечер. Традиционная английская кухня содержит множество интересных рецептов, но, вероятно, самым известным из всех является "Fish & Chips". Это блюдо состоит из жареных котлет из рыбы и картофеля фри. В особых случаях англичане часто подают жареную индейку и традиционный пудинг. Многие люди склонны критиковать английскую кухню, тем не менее, она имеет определенное очарование и ценность.

+ 0 -
11 апр. 2013 г., 2:39:11 (11 лет назад)

Комментарий удален

+ 0 -
11 апр. 2013 г., 5:35:28 (11 лет назад)

котенок или кухня?

+ 0 -
11 апр. 2013 г., 7:39:25 (11 лет назад)

kitten или kitchen?

+ 0 -
11 апр. 2013 г., 8:16:24 (11 лет назад)



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Помогите с английским!!Спасибо заранее!!!

. Match the sentence beginnings (a-g) with their endings (1-7).

a) The students all ...
b) The book is really worth reading if ...
c) Learning a new language ...
d) What really appealed to me was ...
e) It’s difficult for us to judge the situation ...
f) We have only six months left ...
g) Being able to play the piano brilliantly is ...

1 the idea of learning a new language.
2 to accomplish our task.
3 takes a lot of effort.
4 recreate alike.
5 you’re going to take the English exam.
6 just one of her many accomplishments.
7 because we don’t really know enough about it.

Заполните пропуски глаголами to be или to have в соответствующей форме(по смыслу) Переведите предложения на русский зык.

1.These pictures ... very beautiful.
2. I ... 23 years old.
3. Her friends ... lunch in the cafe.
4. We ... glad to see you again.
5. Helen ... a very difficult problem.
6. She ... often late for dinner.

переведите пжл текст

It's common knowledge that newspapers report the news. Published on a regular basis, usually daily or weekly, they also interpret events behind the news. In addition, newspapers give useful information, such as stock market prices, weather reports and television programmes.
They are also a popular source of reading for entertainment. People often buy newspapers for their feature articles on subjects of wide interest, such as travel and fashion, for their comics and crosswords, and for their regular columns on topics, such as gardening, eating out, show business, gossip and astrology. Together with other means of communi­cation, such as radio, television, and magazines, newspapers form the media. Printed forms of the media, including newspapers and magazines are also called "the press".

Newspapers treat the news in two different ways. They can take a serious line, reporting and explaining the news with the aim of informing the readers as fully as possible. Alternatively they may take a more popular approach, which requires more entertainment in the choice and presentation of stories, photographs and larger eye-catching headlines. Many newspapers combine the serious and the popular approach, but in the United Kingdom newspapers tend to be either one thing or the other.
Both serious and popular newspapers can be further divided into daily or weekly (depending on how often they are published), morning or evening (depending on when they are published) and local, national, or, in a very few cases, international (depending on the area over which they are sold).
Newspapers of general interest are supplemented by specialist newspapers, which publish news and stories for people with particular interests. Religious, financial, and sporting newspapers are examples.
The British are believed to be the greatest newspaper readers in the world. They read newspapers at breakfast, on the bus or on the train when they go to work and on the way back home. A symbol of the British Press is Fleet Street — a street in London that used to be home of most British national newspapers. Fleet Street is conveniently situated on the north bank of the River Thames close to a number of large railway stations, which makes it easy to deliver the papers to the trains taking them round the country. Fleet Street is also not far from such important British institutions as the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange, the Houses of Parliament and the Law Courts, which allows the Fleet Street journalists to keep an eye on things.
British daily papers are published from Monday to Saturday. The serious or quality papers such as The Times, The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Independent and The Daily Telegraph are for those who want to know about important happenings everywhere, both domestic news and foreign news. Compared with Belarusian papers, British quality papers are very thick. They usually consist of separate sections such as Politics, Finances, Business, etc. It's not uncommon for a newspaper reader to use only one or two sections and throw the others away.
Popular papers or tabloids, such as The Daily Mail, The Sun or The Daily Express make a much easier reading and have a more general readership. Many popular papers run strip cartoons and humorous drawings, a lot of them have a woman's page, and readers' letters.
Nearly all papers pay special attention to sports news. The evening papers, such as The Evening News are often bought because people want to know the winner of a race or the result of football pools.
The Sunday papers are not Sunday editions of the daily papers but separate weekly editions coming out on Sundays. In addition to the news they usually provide interesting articles on arts, newly-published books, and gardening. Some of them, such as The Sunday Times have a very high reputation and the best critics and journalists write for them.

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Добрый день. Проверьте пожалуйста моё сочинение по английскому. Буду очень благодарна.

I very love summer because in summer long holidays and don’t should to go to school and that’s why have much free time. When the summer starts I get lots of free time to spend with my friends and my family. This summer was very interesting. My parents and I went to the Kolyvan' for recreation. The air there is always fresh and clean compared to the city polluted air. Weather and nature in this country were beautiful. We swam a lot in the White Lake, we sunbathed, we also went on many excursions, even twice climbed the blue mount (1,210 m) is the highest point of the ridge Kolyvansky and we also found of new friends there. I can say that Kolyvan' is one of the most fascinating places I’ve ever been to. The scenery is nice and there are many interesting historic monuments. And I'm happy that I have traveled a lot and I hope that my first journey wasn't the last one.

Я очень люблю лето, потому что летом длинные праздники и не должны ходить в школу, и именно поэтому имеют много свободного времени. Когда начинается лето я получаю много свободного времени, чтобы провести с моими друзьями и моей семьи. Это лето было очень интересно. Мои родители и я пошел в Колывань для отдыха. Воздух здесь всегда свежий и чистый по сравнению с городом загрязненного воздуха. Погода и природа в этой стране были красивыми. Мы плавали много в Белом озере, мы загорали, мы также пошли на многие экскурсии, даже два раза поднялись синие горы (1210 м) является самой высокой точкой хребта Колыванского и мы также нашли новых друзей. Могу сказать, что Колывань является одним из самых интересных мест, которые я когда-либо был. Пейзаж хорош и есть много интересных исторических памятников. И я счастлив, что я путешествовал много, и я надеюсь, что моя первая поездка не была последней.


Нужно написать сочинение по английскому на тему : "The dangers and hardship of the youth" (Опасности и трудности которые стоят перед молодежью)

Ребята,помогите пожалуйста,очень срочно нужно сочинение по английском!!!!!сочинение должно быть из 12 предложений,на тему польза знания второго языка

срочно помогите прошу вас!!!!
сочинение надо начать с I am Anastasia,я учусь в школе,в 11 классе,я изучаю английский
язык и дальше я думаю второй язык полезен и т.д.
сочинение на английском!!!

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