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Употребите полную форму глаголов to be u to have в 3-м лице единственного числа.1. He's 18. 2. It's far from London. 3. He's cold. 4. There's

5-9 класс

enough salt in the soup. 5. She's got a new coat. 6. Jane's married. 7. He's got a motor cycle. 8. She's got a lot of strawberries in her basket. 9. It's Monday to day. 10. She's interested in mathematics. 11. He's got black hair. 12. My name's Pitt.

Salikhat 24 апр. 2013 г., 12:18:32 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 апр. 2013 г., 14:57:00 (11 лет назад)

1. He is 18.
2. It is far from London.
3. He is cold.
4. There is enough salt in the soup.
5. She has got a new coat.
6. Jane is married.
7. He has got a motor cycle.
8. She has got a lot of strawberries in her basket.
9. It is Monday today.
10. She is interested in mathematics.
11. He has got black hair.
12. My name is Pitt.


Другие вопросы из категории

Допоможіть будь ласка. Дуже потрібно.

Скласти розповідь про однокласницю (на рівні 5 класу)

ест по английскому языку. . . . I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Переведите их на русский язык. Определите по грамматическим

признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного лица глагола в Present Indefinite;
b) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
c) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного

1. My brother has many friends.
a) –s b) –s c) -s
2. This is my sister’s book.
a) –s b) –s c) -s

3. We often buy tomatoes and potatoes in the supermarket.
a) –s b) –s c) -s
4. Ann lives in Moscow.
a) –s b) –s c) -s
5. I am always in time for the lessons.
a) –s b) –s c) -s

II Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным.
1. There are different types of rocket motors.
2. Where is the sports goods department? It’s on the fourth floor.
3. What is the room temperature?
4. This scientist got two State prizes.
5. There are some students on the sport ground.

Изучите тему: степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
III. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She ___ than her sister.
a) tall b) taller c) more taller
2. You are even ___ than before.
a) more beautiful b) beautiful c) the most beautiful
3. I earn ___ than a postman.
a) little b) the least c) less
4. She is the ____ pupil in the school.
a) most intelligent b) more intelligent c) less intelligent
5. The ___ is the day, the ____ is the night.
a) taller … smaller b) shorter … longer c) more … worse

Изучите тему: неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения.
IV. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He asked me ____ questions.
a) some b) any c) not any
2. I haven’t ___ money at all.
a) no b) some c) any
3. . Are the ____ pictures on the wall?
a) some b) any c) not any
4. There are ____ textbooks on the desk.
a) no b) no any c) any
5. You can buy stamps at ___ post office.
a) some b) no c) any

Изучите тему: времена группы Indefinite (Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite).
V. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите следующие предложения:
1. I ___ John and Mary last week.
a) see b) saw c) shall see
2. I ___ live far from the center of town.
a) aren’t b) don’t c) isn’t
3. My boss ____ away for the next three days.
a) are b) were c) will be
4. Do you think this style ____ me?
a) suits b) suit c) shall suit
5. Harry ___ ill last week but now he is better.
a) is b) was c) will be


Спасибо, всеив порядке. Как на счет того, чтобы заглянуть в это кофе закусить?
С удовольствием.
Разрешите заказать для вас чашечку кофе. Вы любите черный кофе или с молоком?
Я предпочетаю черный кофе.
Я хочу угостить вас рвбным или мясним салатом.
Нет, спасибо, я только что позавтракала. Я только выпью чашку кофеи съем пирожок.
Хорошо. Угощайтесь.

Читайте также

Заполнить пропуск ножной формой глагола to be. 1.There a new house

Заполнить пропуск ножной формой глагола to have.1.My mother have a
nice car
2.Next month I a large house

Помогите срочно! Употребите сокращенную форму глаголов.

1) They will not go to Oxford.
2 We will not meet Pete
3 Ann will not byu a new doll.
4 My grandfather will not come tomorrow
5 I will not go shopping.
6 I am not eight. I am nine.
7 They are hungry. Tom is not hungry

Скажите, что это не так. Употребите сокращенную форму глаголов.
1 I will write a letter.
2 I write letters every day.
3 We will see the film next week.
4 Ann will have breakfast at 7 o'clock.
5 Ann has breakfast at 7 o'clock.
Напишите пожалуйста перевод.

ТЕКСТ: Television, also called TV, is one of the most important mass media. People with a television set can sit at home and can see and learn

about people, animals, and things in faraway lands. Millions of viewers around the world can watch sports events and other events of worldwide interest. TV brings its viewers a steady stream of programmes that are designed to give information and to entertain. In fact, television provides more entertainment programmes that any other kind of mass media. The programmes include sports events, variety shows, quiz shows, feature films, cartoons, fictional serials called soap operas, etc. There are two main kinds of television stations: public stations and commercial stations. Public television stations are supported by the government. They usually broadcast more educational programmes and programmes on cultural subjects. News and current affairs programmes make up an important section of programmes for most public television stations. Commercial television stations are run by private companies. They sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make a profit for the companies that run the stations. People can also subscribe to cable television system. Viewers pay a fee for this service. Cable television signals are delivered to home TVsets of their customers by cables. Some cable systems carry more than one hundred channels – far more than can broadcast even in the largest urban areas. Satellite broadcasting is another form of subscription television. The signals are transmitted to home TVsets from a direct broadcasting satellite in space. The viewer must have a dish-receiver aerial to receive the programmes. We may speak about different advantages and drawbacks of television but almost every home has at least one TVset. On average, a TVset is in use for about 7 hours each day. Thus, television is the most effective means of mass communication known to mankind. It has become the people’s eyes and ears on the world.

III. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: средства массовой информации, телевидение, телевизор, дома, в далеких странах, спортивные события, зрители, фактически, развлекательные программы, развлекательные представления, художественные фильмы, мультфильмы, художественные сериалы, мыльные оперы, общественные телевизионные станции, транслировать, текущие события, составляют важную часть, продавать рекламное время, затраты, приносить прибыль, управлять станцией, кабельное телевидение, намного больше, спутниковое вещание.

IV. Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих слов: to watch, to comprise, major, to transmit, various, disadvantage.

V. Найдите в тексте антонимы следующих слов: the least, without, less, to buy, the smallest, disadvantage.

VI. Процитируйте предложения из текста, в которых употреблены следующие слова и словосочетания: in faraway lands, a steady stream, soap operas, current affairs, to make a profit, pay a fee, at least.

VIII. Употребите нужную форму глагола to be, to have. Besides the advantages, the television … some drawbacks. To tell the truth, there … many TV programmes that … no cultural or artistic value. There … rather many films about gangsters and killers. We … so tired of them. Lately, so many advertisement clips … appeared on TV screens. But still, TV remains the main source of information, and we … spending a lot of our free time in front of our TVsets.

IX. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What kinds of mass media do you know?

2. Why is TV one of the important mass media?

3. What kinds of mass media do you prefer?

4. How many TVsets do you have at home?

5. How much time a day do you watch TV?

6. Do you have cable or satellite television at home?

7. Do you watch educational programmes?

8. Do you use Internet? For what?

1) Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями глагола to be.

1) Dan and i___________________
2) The ruler___________________
3) You and Jane_________________
4) The children________________
5) Mr.Gray________________

2) Всавьте глагол to be.
1) I____ twelve years old.
2) He___ in Class 5J.
3) They___not from America.
4) My favourite subjects___maths and geography.
5) My PE teacher____very nice.
6) ____ you in class 5F?
7) We___friends.

3) Поставь слова в нужном порядке.
1) maths / where / the / is / lesson?
2) old / are / years / you / eleven.
3) not / this / a / is / ruler.

Помогите пожалуйсто.
Зарание спасибо! :3

употребите правильную форму глагола to be: We ... at the college now. He ... a good sportsman. I ... not ready for the lesson today The weather ... bad

yesterday. Last summer my parents ... in the country. My friend ... ... free next Monday.

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