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5-9 класс

Hello,Dasha! Glad to meet you.You look wonderful.
Had good holidays?
Yes,I travelled about the USA.
Really? What was it like?
It was great!
What cities did you visit?
A lot. New York, Los Angeles,San-Francisco and Washington.
You are lucky! What city impressed you most?
Of course, the capital of the USA, Washington,It is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the United States,
Unusual! Why?
Because the city is very green and you can hardly find a park, a square or an open area in Washington without a monument or a memorial.
Thats great! Did you take any pictures of your voyage?
A lot.Come to me at the weekend and I ll show you them.
With pleasure, see you on Saturday!
Good-bye, and so long!
Напишите пожалуйста русское проезношение этого диалога . Не перевод.

ученикЯ03 25 марта 2017 г., 1:40:23 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 марта 2017 г., 3:18:43 (7 лет назад)

в переводчике г---у--г--ла это введи, там будет кнопка колонки её нажмешь, он тебе прочитает весь текст вот и произношение^^


Другие вопросы из категории

Продолжите пословицу двумя словами:

Another year will bring .....

Write as in the examples.

1.Mother (The girls)..............
2.Brother (the girl)....................
3.Present (my sister).............
4. room (my sister)
5. Books (the students)
Помогите пожалуйста)))))))


Читайте также

Masha is speaking to her grandmother on the phone. Complete her grandmother's questions.

Granny: Hello , Masha !What.............
Masha: I am talking to you
Granny: What ........
Masha :Mum and Dad are sleeping
Granny: Where ......
Masha: Pafnutiy is outside . Misha and Robin are walking hin .
Granny: Who .....
Masha: Robin is Mishas pen friend . Oh no , they are not walking the cat . They are having breakfast.
Granny: Where.....
Masha: In the kitvhen!
Masha: Kuliches, paskhas and eggs.
Granny: Happy Easter, Masha.
Masha: Happy Easter, Granny.

Помогите ответить на вопросы:Phil:l Hello,Помогите ответить на вопросы:

Phil:l Hello, Jane! Did you have a good holiday?
Jane: ...
Рhil: Were yiu in the mountains?
Jane: ...
Phil:l Where were you then?
Jane: ...
Phil: How ws the weather there?
Jane: ...

Meke up a dialogue between the guide and two tourists.Use the dlialogue as a model. (Janet)-Hello. I am your guide.I'll show you around London today.

Whete would you like to go first (Frank)- Hello (Helen)- We would like to visit the Tower. (Janet)-Ok.It's not far from here. (Frank)- How can we get there? (Janet)- You will enjoy our walk. (Frank)- Ok.Let's walk. (Janet)-..................*Нужно закончить диалог!! (Frank)-......................... Закончите диалог!

поставить диалог в парильном порядке (1) -Hello. -Oh, I forget, I need a plastic bag, please. -One kilo of

English Cox apple, please.

-Thank you.

-Here you are.

- Hello.

-They`re 90p for a kilo.

-They are 30 p.

-Here`s the money and thanks a lot.Goodbye.

-How much are they.

как можно продолжить диалог?)Помогите пожалуйста нужно не менее 4-х реплик с каждого персонажа))

Masha:Hello?Ksusha Ihave bad news.My mum panished me.because I went for a walk and not tidied up in her room
Ksusha:Oh my god,we want tomorrow to go on spopping
Masha:That's out.I have to stay home for a whole week

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