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Помогите перевести текст Patty and her dreams

5-9 класс

Gaara544 23 авг. 2013 г., 21:54:04 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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23 авг. 2013 г., 22:41:56 (10 лет назад)

Петти гуляла по дороге и несла кувшин молока на голове.Она хочет продать свое молоко в деревне. Она сказала себе "Если всё пойдет хорошо, то молоко принесёт мне хорошую плату, а за нее я куплю яйца. Потом я куплю свиню. Если я буду ее хорошо удерживать до смерти, я куплю корову и …"Kategresko 18.04.2014 О, они выростут в стадо. И если я продам стадо, я смогу купить маленький домик в Испании" Кувшин с молоком упал на землю, и молоко, и курицы всё упало вниз, на дорогу. И всё ее мечты были порваны на кусочки.

+ 0 -
23 авг. 2013 г., 23:27:26 (10 лет назад)

где текст?

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24 авг. 2013 г., 0:57:37 (10 лет назад)

где текст. а

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24 авг. 2013 г., 1:57:21 (10 лет назад)

как с фотографировать текст

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24 авг. 2013 г., 4:16:51 (10 лет назад)

сфотографировать и добавить в задание фото(прикрепить)


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можете улучшить текст и перевести его на английский?пожалуйста

Этим летом мне не удалось никуда съездить ,но несмотря на это ,я хорошо провела время на каникулах в своём городе . вместе с друзьями которые тоже остались в городе мы собирались чтобы просто пойти прогулять . нам было весело . ходили с ними на море,купались и загорали . вместе с родителями ездили отдыхать на природу . также ездили в лес . вообщем лето было не плохим!

нужен перевод! СРОЧНО
Помогите!!!D. Read the text and open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect tenses.

It (to happen) two years ago. Martha (my sister) and I (to decide)to make a trip to Canada. We (to pack) our suitcases rather quickly. Martha (not to be fond of) ironing very much that time so, she (to be) very surprised that I (to iron) all her clothes beforehand. When we arrived in Toronto we suddenly (to understand) that we (to leave) the address of our hotel on the table at home. Martha (to be) in panic of course I (to try) to pull myself together. We (to start) searching for our hotel. It (to turn) out that they have six hotels with the same name located in different parts of the city. We (to take) a taxi and (to go) around the city. As I (to know) the city well we (to find) our hotel soon. Surprisingly, the driver who (to give) us a drive round the city (to offer) me to work as a tour guide for those who (to come) from Paris. I (to agree), moreover, I (to have) an experience in Morocco. I (to be) in charge of different tours around the city and fortunately I never (to deal) with complaints. Our trip (to be) fascinating and we (to be) glad that we (to forget) our hotel’s address at home.

E. Supply the suitable form of past tenses.
1) It (to rain) heavily so, we (to decide) not to go hiking but to invite friends to our house and cook dinner together.2) I (to refer) to John when I told the meeting about our current problem. 3) No, I (to go) to Italy two years ago. 4) When I last went to Italy, a team of scientists (to examine) the falling tower of Pisa. 5) What you (to do) when I phoned yesterday? 6) By the time we got to the cinema the film (to start), so we missed the first five minutes. 7) I spent a week in Miami recently. I (not to be) there before.8) She told me she (to attend) a lot of meetings in Prague.

нужно поставить слова в конце предложения,помогите плиз))1-she"s got blonde...

2-he"s got very pale...3-they"ve both got curly...4-i would say he was medium...5-her brother has got very broad...6-she doesn"t like men with hairy...7-last time i saw him he had grown...8-he"s got very muscular...9-both men were very good...10-all of them have got dark...

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Пожалуйста помогите перевести текст, на английский язык.

" На этих каникулах я отдохнула хорошо. Этим летом мы с семьёй поехали в Астану. Там мы были 1 неделю. Астана красивый город, особенно ночью. Мне там очень понравилось. После Астаны мы поехали в Боровое. Там тоже очень красиво, свежий воздух. В боровом мы были 3 дня. Потом мы приехали домой. В Павлодаре я ходила на улицу. Гуляла с друзьями, с семьёй. А 21 августа мы поехали в Баянаул. Там мы ходили на речку, на скалы. В Баянауле мне тоже очень понравилось. Вот так прошли мои летнии каникулы. "
МНЕ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО. Пожалуйста! Помогите перевести текст на английский язык

Перевод текста!"My qoodness",said Mary Pooppins,"I am havinq a Day Out!"Mary Poppins and her friend Match-Man walked toqether in the little wood.Suddenly

they came upon a little open space filled with sunliqht.And there on a qreen table was afternoon-tea!Помогите перевести текст!

Помогите перевести текст :)

Ann meets the Russian students at the airport. She is taking them to the bus. They are going
to stay with host familes. Ann has got some information for the students. She wants to tell them about their visit to London.

Ann: Welcome to London, everyone! We are going to your host familes now. Look out the window! I want to tell you a few words about the capital of Great Britain. London is the largest city in Europe. Over 7 million people live in it. And it's one of the most famous and interesing cities in the world. There are lots of places to visit: different museums, theatres, an IMAX cinema. London has got many places just for fun too: the London Eye, the London Zoo and many lovely parks and squares.
Dima: There are also many stadiums in London, aren't there?
Ann: Yes. There are. London is the host of the Summer Olympic Games - 2012 (twenty-tvelve). There is a big Olympic Park in London.
Lena: Fantastic! There is so much to see and learn!
Katya: Great! We are going to spend two weeks in Great Britain.
Ann: Barbara and her students are looking forward to seeing you. They have arranged an interesting social programme for you.

помогите пожалуйста перевести текст, только прошу, не надо писать перевод текста из переводчика гугла.. Вот текст: Помогите

перевести текст с Русского на Английский [Gus] Hi, guys! I'm in an internet cafe. It's raining heavily outside. I'm fed up with this weather. It's raining all the time. [Nemo] I don't know how you can live in Scotland. There are nicer places to go to study. [Gus] Scotland's great. It's the winter i don't like. It's grey almost every day. I hate winter [Amelia] Hey! You think that's bad! It's freezing here in Switzerland. it's snowing again. There is so much snow sometimes that i can't even go out [Gus] That's not my kind of place, then. [Nemo] It's summer here in Australia and i'm having a great time. i'm sitting on the balcony at the moment and it is very, very hot. I love the summer. [Amelia] You are lucky. [Nemo] I'm. Anyway, how are things going for you

Помогите с английским срочно! Amswer the questions. 1.Where are Jess and her relatives?

2.When did they arrive in the American capital?
3.Did they take lots of photos in the USA?
4.What holidays did they celebrate n the 31st of October?
5.What did the American people decorate their houses with?
6.How will Jess and her relatives travel to New York?
7.When are they going to go back to London?

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