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письмо другу "как я провел лето"

5-9 класс

Gfggj 07 апр. 2015 г., 17:08:30 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 апр. 2015 г., 19:31:15 (9 лет назад)

Every summer I go to the country to stay with my grandmother for a month or two. I help Granny to work in the kitchen garden or to look after chickens and pigs. In the village I often go for long bike rides with my brother. There is a nice river Prut not far from my Granny’s place. Sometimes we go fishing or boating. I like to sit in silence for a while waiting for a fish to get caught and listening to the birds singing in the forest. I like to go to the beach in the morning when it is not too hot. I swim, sunbathe and play with my friends on the bank of the river.


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Определите где какой артикль нужно вставить ( a , the или ни чего). 1. When it ishot ... people wear ... sport shoes and ... sandals. 2.

In ... winter ... people usually wear ... overcoats and ... caps.

3. ... people wear ... mittens and ... gloves in ... winter.

4. ... people wear ... boots on ... cold winter day.

5. ... spring is ... nice season.

6. ... weather is fine in ... summer.

7. What ... long dress!

8. What ... cold day!

9. What ... rainy day!

10. What was ... weather like yesterday?

Исправить ошибки. Помогите пожалуйста, прошу.

1) Some of my best friends is coming to visit me
2) Who want to answer the questions?
3) They are going to have a dinner first
4) How many time did it take you to get there?
5) There is still very dark outside.
6) They are go to make a film
7) It was so dark they couldn't see something.
8) It raining heavily now.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. There is an old castle in Norwich which is believed to 1)(haunt). It 2)(call) North

Castle and it 3)(say) that ghosts can 4)(see) there at night. The castle 5) (build) 400 years ago and 6) (own) by two old ladies who 7) (believe) to be witches. One day, long ago, they both disappeared and they 8) (never/see) again. In 1985 the castle 9) (buy) by a busimessman and 10) (convert) into a luxurious hotel. The castle 11) (visit) by quite a few guests every year and special groups 12) (organise) to watch for ghosts. It has been a long time since any ghosts 13) (see), but one night a trick 14) (play) on some visitors by a local couple, who dressed up as the two "witches". They 15) (see) by a guest, who said she 16) (frighten) almost to death. The couple apologised the next day, and 17) (tell) never to visit the castle again, certainly not in the middle of the night dressed up as witches.

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СРОЧНО...ПОМОГИИИИТЕ!!!!!!! над написать письмо по-английски как я провела прошлое воскресение...план рассказа таков: 1. Обращение(Dier,...)

2. Вступление(поблагодарить за письмо, рада была получить его/приятно было получить его, рада была услышать что всё идёт хорошо/ как дела, надеюсь что всё идёт хорошо..)предложения любые..

3. Основное содержание(ты просила меня рассказать тебе о..../о том как......./у нас..../ *взять нужно обороты Well, As for me и т.д.*)

4. Окончание(напиши мне поскорее. Как ты провела прошлое воскремение. Жд твоего ответа/надеюсь получить ответ) СРОЧНО, буду очень благодарна* с переводом сразу плииииз*

Написать письмо другу на тему-Как я провел лето. 80 слов. Я Юлия, друг Мария. Летом я была у бабушки в деревне, в лагере,

отдыхала, работала в саду, загорала на речке, выполняла дз, гуляла, веселилась. ---Это нужно оформить правильно.Очень надеюсь на вашу помощь.

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