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Переведите пожайлусто:*

5-9 класс

Isal 24 апр. 2014 г., 8:37:45 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 апр. 2014 г., 11:31:03 (10 лет назад)

" и так, что мы оденем?"
" ты знаешь, мы оденем платья из хлопчатобумажной ткани, потому что ничего другого у нас нет" ответила Джо.
"Если бы у меня было шелковое платье" сказала мэг


Другие вопросы из категории

1)Choose the best word to fill in the gaps. From the tallest hill in Jerusalem , you are able to 1(see\ saw\seen )Jordan.Although it is not the

symbol of Jordanian history, the capital of this country-Amman-creates a 2(good-looking\pleased\pleasant) impression.But the main tourist 3(attract\attractive\attraction) in Jordan is Perta,the ancient city that the early Arab people cut in the rocks.When the sun 4(seats\sets\sits),the rocks gain a bright rose-red colour,for which Jordan received its name- the Rose-red country.Perta can be seen in5(every\all\most) tourist booklet as well as in Hoollywood films.It will take 6(you\your\yours)more than a day to see this masterpiece and have a complete picture of it.A magnificent city of the civilization that once used to be great now 7(Collects\puts\drings)Jordan milions of dollars.After all,tourists are curious and not greedy people.

Переведите на Английский

1)Как зовут его друга по переписке?
2)Сколько ему лет?
3)Откуда он?
4)Как называется его родной город?
5)Большая ли у него семья?
6 Есть ли у него брат сестра?
7)Есть ли у него бабушка и дедушка?
8 Есть ли у него друзья?
9)Есть ли у него кошка или собака?

Вставить подходящий по смыслу глагол

Bob ... his birthday party very much

Читайте также

The Houses of Parliament are very near Buckingham Palace, so we went there next. It's the London home of the Queen. We couldn't go in, because the palace

wasn't open to the public that day. переведите пожайлуста

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПОЖАЙЛУСТА! Pete: So, is the party going well?

Pete: Is the party going well?
Is sounds as if
everyones having a
great time.
Tess: Yeah, its absolutely brilliant.
Pete: Well, a party for a gang of ten - year-olds
isnt my idea of a good time. Are you all
wearing costumes?
Tess: Yes. Im wearing my witch costume and
Chris is wearing his Frankenstein costume.
Pete: oh, hes not wearing that old thing again!
Tess:Yeah, and hes terrifying everyone.
Pete: What kind of games are you playing? Are you
bobbing for apples?
Tess: No.Were playing musical chairs and pin the
tail on the donkey. its great fun.
Pete: What about food ? What are you eating?
Tess: Well, I made a pumpkin pie and toffee
apples and the kids are relly enjoying them
so theyre nearly all gone.
Pete: Oh, keep me one, please!
Tess: Ok! are you doing anything at the moment?
Pete: No, not relly.
Tess: Well, why dont you come over and help
yourself to some toffee apples? The party is
nearly over anyway. Then, you can help me
clean up!
Pete: I would do anything for a toffee apple! See
you in ten minutes.

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