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Чем отличается it's ten TO seven от it's five PAST six????????? To oт past?

5-9 класс

Cvjkzybyjdfd 10 июля 2013 г., 18:30:36 (10 лет назад)
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10 июля 2013 г., 21:01:28 (10 лет назад)

мы используем to когда остется какое то время в твоем случае это осталось 10 мин до семи
а когда мы используем past то мы говорим что прошло 5 мин от шести понял?


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Сроооочно, прошу:(

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Write the past forms of the verbs in brackets. Bobby (to run) ____ along the streets of the city and at last he (to find) ____ his master/ the man (to be)

____ poor and ill. Bobby (to stay) ____ with his friend. He often (to go) ____ with his master to a cafe and Mr.Trail always (to have) ____ some food for the little dog. The dog (to come) ____ to the cafe five or six times. He (to take) ____ the food and (to run) ___ away.

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