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Помоги срочно зарание спс

10-11 класс

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Diman520898 05 окт. 2013 г., 20:27:36 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 окт. 2013 г., 22:05:34 (10 лет назад)

Does she go to school evere day?-Yes, she does 2) Who does go to the school evere day?-She. 3)Where does she go evere day?-She goes to school  4)When does she go to school?-She goes to school evere day. 5)Does she go to school evere day or twice week?-She goes to school evere day. 6)She gos to school evere day, doesnot she?-Yes she does.                                  1)Have i never ber to New-York?-Yes i have.  2)Who have never ber to New-York?-I have never ber to New-York. 3)Where have i never ber?-I have never ber to New-York.  4) Have i never ber New-York or Paris?-I have never ber to New-York.  5)I have never ber to New-York, havenot i?-Yes i have.       Вроде так.Извини, что долго писала.


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите пожалуйста вставить слова

есть текст

Вера записала рецепт Джил, но не расслышала некоторые слова. Спиши текст и вставь их.

the. some, a, the, a, the.

Vera: I ve got some flour fnd some butter, fnd two lemons. What can I make?
Jill: Have you got ......... sugar?
Vera: Yes. I see the sugar on the shelf.
Jill: That s good. You can make a lemon cake. Put ....... flour and the sugar in a bowl. Heat the butter in ........ frying pan and add to the bowl. Cut the lemons with a knife and add the lemons in .......... bowl. Add a little salt and mix them together with ............ spoon. Cook ........... cake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Читайте также


ПРИМЕР--- Where does your sister work.
вставили слово --does---

1. I'm go to the cinema tonight.
2. How much you earn in your job?
3. We no wear a uniform at my school.
4. That's my husband over there. He stands near the window.
5. What you doing after school today.
6. Sorry. You can't speak to Jenny. She's have a bath.
7. We no going to school today because it's a holiday.
8. Peter's a businessman. He's work all over the world.
9. At the moment Peter's work in Russia.

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