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вставте артикле-_statue of ____ Liberty was___ gift from ____Franche._____ Metropolitan Museum of Art is __ most famous art museum in ___New yORK

5-9 класс

Varyenjka 22 февр. 2015 г., 18:33:26 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 февр. 2015 г., 20:36:38 (9 лет назад)

The statue of  Liberty was  gift from France.  

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the  most famous art museum in New York.


+ 0 -
22 февр. 2015 г., 23:18:47 (9 лет назад)

The statue of ___ Liberty was a gift from France. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the most famous art museum in ___ New York.

- Статуя Свободы была подарком из Франции. Художественный музей "Метрополитен" является самым известным музеем в Нью-Йорке.


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Помогите правильно выполнить задание

Two girls are telling secrets to _____(each, one,to) other and some teens are _____(throwing, pushing, catching) stones into the lake.

Заполните пропуски, поставив данные в скобках прилагательные в нужную форму.

1.Teenagers in Russia are as....as teenagers in other countries.(romantic)
2.Music for him is....thing in the world.(important)
3.He was...in the family.(young)
4.Some people think that bikers are....that they are in reality.(aggressive)
5.In society at large the drug problem is becoming....(serious)

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Complete the sentences with prepositions.

Use:for,into, to, over, of,on,at,over
1.The British Museum was founded _____ 1774.
2.What is the town famous _____?
3. The Jubilee Gardens were full _____ tourists.
4.The "Prime Meridian" divides the world____ east and west.
5.Have you ever been ____ Madame Tussauds?-No, I do not like waxwork museums.
6. The little village is well-know all _____ the world.
7. The old man sat down _____ the bench.

Match the names of these actors and actresses with the information about them.

-Marilyn Monroe
-Jean Marais
-Sophia Loren
-Yury Nikulin
-Charlie Chaplin
1)Lubov OrlovaHe was born in 1889 in England and lived a long life. He was a film actor and director who worked mainly in the US in silent black-and-white comedy films. His favourite role was that of a tramp1 wearing funny clothes and walking in a funny way. During his life he was tremendously popular and is still admired. He died in 1977.
2)She is a beautiful Italian actress, born in 1934, who has become an interesting film star and has won several Academy Awards. She was most popular in the 1950s and 1960s. Her art is loved and admired in Russia.
3)This Russian actor was born in 1921. He was at the front during the Second World War. In 1950 he began to work in the circus as a clown. He became a popular film actor and is remembered for his comic and tragicomic parts.
4)She is an American film actress, born in 1926, whose real name was Norma Jean Baker. She played a number of characters in many successful films. She was a perfect example of a Hollywood studio star. She had a tragic life and died at the age of 36. Since her death she has become one of the most written-about film stars.
5)He is a popular French actor who was born in 1913 and died in 1998. He starred in a number of well-known films. Probably, he is best remembered for the parts of the count of Monte Cristo and Phantomas.
6)She was born in 1902 in Russia and died in 1975. She played in one of the Moscow theatres but was better known as a film star. Some of her parts are in the films The Spring, The Circus and Volga-Volga.

Write a letter to your English-speaking friend. Tell him/her about one of the most famous cities in Ukraine.

Start like this:

Thank you for your letter. In this letter. In this letter I'd like to tell you about one of the most famous historical cities in Ukraine. ........

Finish with:

Write me soon and inform me about ...... .

Помогите!!! Надо сделать пересказ вот этого текста:Detective stories are the most popular type of stories in the world. But who is the most famous

fictional detective without doubt, it is Sherlock Holme The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories was Arthur Conan Doyle He was born in Scotland in 1859 and studied medicine at Edinburgh university. After leaving university he mined to the south of England and worked as a doctor, but in his spacetime he started to write detective stores he hero of the stories is a private detective called Sherlock Holmes, who lives at 22 lb Bake Street in London. There i is now a museum at that address(see http://www.sherlock- holmes coale Holmes is tall and thin, with a long sharp face He usually wears a deerstalker hat smokes a pipe or cigarettes and carries a magnifying glass. He is an extremely st intel gen man who always thinks logically about the crimes he is trying to solve He is also a brilliant violins however, he has a dark side to his character he is a one and rather ad man who is cash bored with everyday life. He often depressed and sometimes spends all day in bed. He is not married and says that he doesn't understand women Holmes lives with his assistant and only friend, Dr Watson Watson describes him in one of the stories as a brain without a heart, and more a machine than a man'. In 1895, after Conan Doyle had written 25 stories about Holmes, he got bored with his detective and decided that Holmes would die in the next story At the end of the story called The Final Problem, Holmes fights Professo Moriarty, his greatest enemy, by a huge waterfall in Switzerland They both die when they fall into the waterfall. But the Holmes stores were already incredibly popular and his fans were very upset.

Помогите пожалуйста! Это срочно!complete the sentences with the prepositions . Use : for , into , to , over , of , on , at , over.1. The British Museum

was founded _____ 1774.
2.What is the town famous ____?3.The Jubilee Gardens were full ______ tourists. 4. The "Prime Meridian" divides the world ______ east and west . 5.Have you ever been ____ Madame Tussauds? - No, I don`t like waxwork museums.6. The little village is well-known all _____ the world. 7. The old man sat down _____ the bench.

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