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Which of the centuries in your opinion saw the greatest inventions and discoveries? помогите ответить на вопрос

5-9 класс

милкаянасичка 13 апр. 2013 г., 11:07:05 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 апр. 2013 г., 12:05:10 (11 лет назад)

Как думаешь, в каких веках были самые наилучшие открытия, изобретательство?

+ 0 -
13 апр. 2013 г., 12:44:33 (11 лет назад)

Мне кажется так In the twentieth century there were many great discoveries and inventions. Напиши в тетрадку карандашом, потом если что сотрёшь.


Другие вопросы из категории

Кем вы собираетесь быть? Можете ли вы сейчас ответить на этот вопрос? Написать сочинение (120-140 слов).

Не забудьте упомянуть:
• какие навыки/качества, которые вы имеете;
• каковы ваши друзья/родственники/учителей проконсультировать вас о вашем будущем.

Помогите пожалуйста!!!

uniform,dress,shoes,socks( x 2),hat,sandals
2.In summer,I put on a pretty light green and white cotton .....
. I wear long white knee ..... or short white ankle .....
. Girls may wear flat brown or black ..... or ..... . The part of the summer school ..... is a boater-style .....

Make questions about the missing information 1)Peter has ... Children(Two?three?) 2)they went to ... on holiday last year 3)I got early this morning

because .., 4)I go swimming... (once a week?once a month?) 5)I borrowed ... car.(Tom's? Ann's?) плиз помогите

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Complete these sentences with an appropriate comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Make any additions you need.

1 Who is ______ member of your family?(intelligent)

2 Is Paris ______ New York?(cheap)

3 She isn`t _____ she looks.(old)

4 In my country, football is ______ basketball.(popular)

5 Mary is ______ her brothers and sisters.(quiet)

6 I think it`s _____ restaurant in town.(bad)

7 Which of the comics is ____? Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse?(funny)

8 From here, i think Edinburg is _____ Glasgow.(far)

Большое Спасибо тому кто поможет!

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ сделать задание до завтра,очень срочно надо.!!!Мне нужно ответить на вопросы!Заранее спасибо))) 1. which of the arts from the list

above can you call visual arts 2. what role do arts play in people`s lives?In your life?3. when did art begin ? what periods in history are famous for great works of art? 4. what countries are famous for great literature,visual arts, theatre and cinema 5. what places all over the world are cnnected with particular arts? 6. what do we usually mean when we speak about prehistoric art. ancient art/ classical art. modern art? 7. where do you go if you want to enjoy the arts?Do your friends?Why? 8.Can you do anything in the way of the arts yourself?What can you do?What art would you like to be good at?Why? 9.What arts are the most popular nowadays?Do you think som of the arts will eventually die?What makes you think that? 10.Which of the two is more popular nowadays-theatre or cinema?Which of them do you prefer? 11.Do you think radio and television are arts?

1. which of the arts from the list above can you call visual arts 2. what role do arts play in people lives 3. when did art begin ? what periods in

history are famous for great works of art? 4. what countries are famous for great literature. visual arts. theatre and cinema 5. what places all over the world are cnnected with particular arts? 6. what do we usually mean when we speak about prehistoric art. ancient art/ classical art. modern art? 7. where do you go if you want to enjoy the arts? 8.Can you do anything in the way of the arts yourself? What can you do? What art would you like to be really good at? Why? 9. What arts are the most popular nowadays? Do you think some of the arts will evetually die? What makes you think that? 10. Which of the two is more popular nowadays - theatre or cinema? Which of them do you prefer? 11. Do you think radio and television are arts? Срочно нужно ответить!!!!

Надо ответить на вопросы! 1. Into what parts is Scotland divided geographically? 2. Where are most of the factories and plants situated in Scotland?

3.What big river flows across the country? 4.What are the two largest and busiest cities in Scotland? 5.The cities are far from each other, arent they? 6.Which city has a large port? 7.Which of the two cities has got a longer history?

Cyprus,______(situate) in the eastern corner of the Mediterranean,is so close to Europe,Asia and Africa, that it (right) claims to be a stepping stone

to all three continents.

The landscape, blessed with ____(nature) beauty, is one of infinite contracts.Cool, virgin mountains are opposed to golden_____(sun) beaches.

Cyprus environment is one of the (health) in the world,free of any kind of pollution.

Due to the (marvel) climate, the island offers endless opportunities for outdoor sports fan. умоляю помогите пожалуйста!

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