Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

V. Put in the articles where necessary.

5-9 класс

1.______youg woman in ____ picture has ______long wavy hair and ___big mouth with _____white even teeth.
2. Paul has never worn ____ beard.
3. Monica is _____tall stout girl.
4. ____best friend of mine is ____very intellectual boy.
5. Different ____people find ____different things funny.

Airatshick 08 янв. 2015 г., 21:00:13 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 янв. 2015 г., 21:35:17 (9 лет назад)

Думаю, что будет так: 
1. The / the / - / a / -
2. a
3. a
4. the / a
5. - / -


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!

Look at the picture and say what these people will have done by six o' clock when the working day is over. Use the verbs from the box.
Мне НЕ НУЖЕН ПЕРЕВОД!!!!!!!мне нужен ответ!!!!
Если не знаете хотя бы подскажите где можно найти. Заранее спасибо!!

Put the words in the correct order to make questions. then answer them about you.

1) up/time/morning/what/did/get/this/you?
7) were/mother/work/what/you/came/doing/when/from/yesterday your?


Подтвердите или опровергните фактами следующие утверждения и переведите эти факты на английский:
Русские люди - патриоты
Русские гостеприимные
Русские дружелюбны к иностранцам
Русские не любят тяжелую работу
У русских хорошее чувство юмора

надо переделать это в косвенную речь

Is Mary a teacher? (Henry wanted to know)
Has Kate just talked to somebody on the phone ? (i was asked)
Are you writing a letter to your cousin? (I asked my sister)
Can Maggy knit a sweater for me? (I wanted to know)
Is Betty traveling around Europe?(I asked Betty s mother)
Is Bob bad at Chemistry?(Jasper wanted to know)
Does Bob like to go to different exhibitions?(George wanted to know)
Whose children are crossing the street? ( I asked)
How often do you drink coffee?(The doctor asked me)
How much money have you got ?(Molly was asked)

Читайте также

Fill in the articles where necessary.

Oxford is a small city in 1_________ centre of England. 2________ University of Oxford is one of 3__________ most famous in the world. If you are 4_______ student, it's a great place to study. For visitors to Oxford there are a lot of things to do. You can go to museums and theatres. There are also 5______ shops, cafes and restaurants, and of course bookshops. There's 6______ famous bookshop on Board Street. 7______ shop has thousands of books and is over 120 years old! Summer is 8______ best time to visit Oxford. When 9_____ weather is nice, you can hire 10_____ boat on one of the rivers or have 11_____ picnic in 12_____ university parks. Oxford is also close to London so you can easily take 13_____ bus or train there fo the day.

I. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.1. Excuse me, could you (do/make) me a favor and watch my bags for a moment? 2. Have you(done/made) any

progress on that report yet? 3. We need to buy (fruit/fruits) and vegetables.4. I have just bought a good (dictionary/vocabulary). I’m sure it will be helpful. 5. What is the(last/latest) news? 6. Do you know that our neighbour’s (older/elder) daughter is a ballet dancer?7. Have you got any (farther/further) questions? 8. The (next/nearest) train to London is at 10.00. 9. Thecontents of this story (is/are) very unusual. 10. You can get (any/either) book you like in our library.II. Complete the sentences giving English equivalents.1. The ship (экипаж) were all saved when the ship went down under the water.2. John’s sister (оказалась) to be a very rude girl.3. Let’s (отправимся) on a trip before it gets dark.4. I forgot to turn off the tap and the water (перелилась) the sink.5. My dog and my cat (ладят) with each other.6. My father was so tired out yesterday. He (заснул) as soon as his head touched the pillow.7. Be careful! It is (темнеет) outside. Hurry back home!8. Let me (представить) my wife to you.9. Daniel (произвел хорошее впечатление) and the manager gave him a good job.10.Six public holidays (празднуются) in Great Britain.11.A new library (построят) next year.12.(К сожалению) they were late and missed the beginning of the performance.III. Put in the articles where necessary:1. After school they had … lunch. 2. It was … warm Friday afternoon at … end of the month.3. … morning we met was surprisingly bright. 4. People go to … church to say their prayers (молиться).5. The lawyer went to … hospital to make a will (завещание) for Mike. 6. It was … late autumn. 7. If youwant to see … Lake Victoria and … Mount Kilimanjaro go to … Kenya.IV. Open the brackets to make the story complete:Harry’s Adventure.Harry got a letter from his friend Jack. Jack (have)0 was having a week’s holiday in a camp. He invitedHarry to join him if he (be)1free at the weekend. Harry (catch)2the five o’clock train. But he (leave)3 all histhings behind. He (think)4 he (borrow)5 what he needed from Jack. On the train Harry (run)6into* astrange man. He remembered that he (see)7the man’s face on television as the police (look)8for him.Harry (keep)9 watching the man during the trip. When the train (stop)10 at the station, Jack (wait)11for hisfriend Harry. Harry called the policeman and they (catch)12the man. He (send)13to prison. Harry (feel)14very proud about his adventure.*to run into smb - столкнуться, случайно встретиться с к.-л

Пожалуйста помогите :)

Put in the articles where necessary.

1. _ dictionary is a reference book.
2. _ bread on _ dish smelled delicious.
3. Robert is _ truck driver.
4. Paula hit _ ball over _ wall.
5. Have you tasted _ soup?
6. _ earth is _ planet, but _ sun isn't.
7. John saw _ ring on _ floor. _ ring was made of gold.
8. I don't think you gave me _ right answer.
9. It's _ book Bob advised me to read.
10.-Let's have _ break. -What _ good idea.

Task 2. Put in the article “the” where it is necessary.

1. Los Angeles is in ………USA.
2. I often dream of fishing in the rivers of ……. . Russian Federation.
3. ……India will always be the best place in the world.
4. ……Australia is famous for kangaroos.
5. Who had not heard of ……. . . . capital of ………. . Japan

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