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Составьте высказывание из данных слов о магазинах Лондона

10-11 класс

1. One,the,centers,Oxford,is,London,street,in,of,shopping,biggest

Stn1111 26 февр. 2017 г., 6:58:28 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 февр. 2017 г., 9:17:11 (7 лет назад)

1 One of the biggest shopping street is Oxford centers in London.
2. Selfridge`s department is a very expensive store


Другие вопросы из категории

Составь вопросы к словам кроссворда

Способность,уважение,цель,справочник,событие,футбольное поле,проводить эксперименты,выполнять научные проекты,оборудование,хорошее владение.

Замените формы глаголов Indefinite Active формами глаголов Indefinite Passive.

1)My relatives often spend much time together. 2)He usually teaches mathematics at school. 3)They visited a museum last Sunday. 4)Helen will meet her friend near the University tomorrow. 5)I will introduce my new friends to the parents tomorrow. 6)People set up a custom-house for the examination of foreign goods in 1749. 7)The fortress replaced the custom house in 1761. 8)The inhabitants usually nickname the Don river as Father Don. 9)People always call Rostov-on-Don the gateway to the Caucasus. 10)They will restore that church next year

СРОЧНО !!!!!!!

ВСТАВИТЬ СЛОВА : come / go / stand / take / turn / wait / walk / wave / wear

Читайте также

Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1.Tomorrow, shall, at, we, for, here, you, this, be, time, wating.
2.Now, being, what, are, questions, discussed?
3.Him, there, to, 20 minutes, get, takes, it.
4.In, they, while, were, got, working, together, married, Malaysia, they.

Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Party, every week, have, we.
2. Every day, watch, we, TV.
3. Likes, he, books.
4. Once a week, have, they, English lessons.
5. The car, the police, stop.
6. Reads, a lot, she.
7. Have, we, dinner, usually at 2 o’clock.
8. They, foreign, languages, speak, three.
9. Now, is, she, in the office.
10. A secretary, she, is.

Составить предложения из данных слов

1. often/ france/ on/ we/ holiday/ go/ to
2. never/ coffe/ morning/ drink/ I/ in/ the
3. usually / 9.00 / work/ I/start/ at

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