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Перевидите плиззз translate and quess

5-9 класс

liqhter than what
i am made of
more of me is hidden
than is seen

Mariyaantonov 27 марта 2014 г., 21:11:57 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 марта 2014 г., 23:08:41 (10 лет назад)

легче, чем то, что
я сделан
больше от меня скрыто
Видно, что

+ 0 -
28 марта 2014 г., 1:23:11 (10 лет назад)

переведите и прдположите/подумайте

легче, чем что-либо

я сделан

от меня скрыто большее или большее от меня скрыто, ну или от меня скрыто многое
Чем видел, но мне кажется вы ошиблись, может там написанно that is seen? В таком случае переводится - видно, что 


Другие вопросы из категории

Work in pairs Use the Strategies to prepare for the roleplays and then act out the situations 1. You are on a train. Ask someone you

don't know to close the window
2. You are with your friend. Decide what to do at the weekend
3. You see your middle-aged neighbour in the street. Ask him/her to post a letter for you
4. You borrowed your friend`s magazine last week
5. You are in a restaurant. Ask the waiter/waitress to give you the menu
6. You are an English teacher

It`s nice to meet you/Where are you from?

Читайте также

Say sho in youe family:

| goes shopping,makes your bed, lays the table, answers |
| phones calls,makes cakes,cleans the room,feeds the |
| pets,waters the flowers,repairs the bike / scooter, |
| cooks breakfast and luch,does the washing up. |
Перевидите плиззз :3

Translate and open the brackets.Pleeeeeeeease A few weeks ago my family moved to a new flat and (follow) the tradition we gave a (warm)


The flat is on the (seven) floor and consists of four rooms, a (space) kitchen, and a bathroom. Of course, there are all modern conveniences in our flat including air (condition). If you enter the flat you will get into the hall. There are number of doors (lead) to the rooms and elsewhere. Wipe your feet (care) because my brother polishes the floors every day. Most of the (keep) and cooking is done by my Granny. I have to take care of the electrical (apply) at home. For instance, I change the bulbs and repair a ventilator, a radio or even a (toast) when they are out of order.

Am a student of Pskov Teacher’s Training

University named after S.M.Kirov. I am in my first year now.

The students of
TTU must get a command of their profession and have a broad outlook. First of
all the students are engaged in studying. They do their best to acquire
necessary knowledge. For that purpose they must never miss seminars, lectures
and other classes and prepare their home

assignments regularly.

An academic year
lasts from September till June and is divided into terms each ending in
examination session. During every session we take credit tests and exams. This
time the students are left to work on their own. They attend consultations,
review and revise the material, read for exams in order not to fail them.
During the session students are always pressed for time. Those who pass the
exams successfully get extra scholarships.

All the days of
the term are really working days. Usually we have three or four classes every
day. We must attend all the lectures and seminars. Lectures are delivered by
the qualified lecturers and professors. During the lectures we listen to the
lecturers attentively and take notes. The seminars need special preparation. We
are to read our notes, all the necessary and additional literature, prepare reports
and write essays. At the seminars we speak on the subject by plan and take part
in the discussion. The teacher usually asks questions, checks up knowledge and
makes a conclusion. We have classes in rftany subjects. At the English lesson
we read, translate and retell texts, make up dialogues, do exercises, work with
the tape-recorder. We do our home-assignments either at home (in the hostel) or
in the reading hall. It usually takes much time to get ready for classes, so
after classes our working day goes on. There are good conditions for our
studies. Students receive state grants and many of them are provided with
hostel accommodation.

Many students carry out research in students’ scientific
societies. During the scientific conference they make reports and discuss
different scientific problems. Like many other students of our University I ‘m
going to participate in the scientific activities. Beginning with the second
ye?r we must write course papers.

If one does everything properly there is little spare time
left. Our recreation is usually connected with different parties, dances and
discotheque. We spend our leisure reading books, walking, going to the theatre,
cinema, concerts, watching TV. A vast majority of students go in for sports.
They join the sport clubs, various sections for the sporting interests of the
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