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1."****y Christmas!"we say to wish people pleasant Christmas days

5-9 класс

2.**rr** is a traditional or religions song people sing at Christmas
3/There is a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar *q**** in winter

Dimetrik02 11 нояб. 2013 г., 19:16:52 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 нояб. 2013 г., 21:36:57 (10 лет назад)

3. square


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1)What do you want tobe when you...?
2)I want to ...?
3)Really? What do you.... for that?
4)You have to....and you have to be good at....And you have to.... rally well. What about you?What do you want to do ?
5)I`m.....,but I think.... to be a vet

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More than 150 years ago people exchanged Christmas greetings written by hand. The first Christmas card was printed by the Englishman Sir Henry Cole in 1843. That winter he was too busy to write greentigs by hand. So he decided to save time and asked his friend, a painter, to design a card for him. Soon a thousand cards were printed. Some of them were sent, others were sold. Sending cards bacame so popular that people began to collect them. Now Christmas cards have become a symbol of the favourite holiday.

Choose the correct word from the passage.
Sir Henry`s friend .... the first Christmas card.
A) collected B) sold C) designed D) printed E) saved

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Помогите разгадать кроссворд: Do the crossword puzzle.

1. ... is the last month of the year.
2. ... is the time when children don`t go to school and do what they want.
3. You can enjoy Christmas ... everywhere in December.
4. ... is the language which people speak in Great britain.
5. ... is an old man who brings children presents at Christmas.
6. .....is one of the seasons.
7. "..... Christmas!" we say to wish people pleasant Christmas days.
8. ......is a traditional or religions song people sing at Christmas.
9. There is a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar .... in winter.
В кроссворде в клеточках буквы такие:
1. 8 букв последняя r
2. 7 букв четвертая i
3. 10 букв, вторая e, девятая o
4. 7 букв, третья g
5. 5 букв, четвертая t
6. 6 букв, третья n
7. 5 букв, пятая y
8. 6 букв, третья и четвертая rr
9. 6 букв, вторая q

Do the crossword puzzle. 1. ..... is the last month of the year. 2. ...... is the time when children don t go to scool and do what they


3. You can enjoy Christmas ... everywhere in December.

4. ... is the language which people speak in Great Britain.

5. ... is an old man who brings children presents at Christmas.

6. ... is one of the seasons.

7. "... Christmas!" we say fo wish people pleasant Christmas days.

8. ... is a traditional or religions song peopl sing at Christmas.

9. There is a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar .... in winter.

We went ( to go) for a fantastic week in the Lake District after fameli _______ ( to spet/) trree daysin Chester. I ______ ( to look) forward to going

to the lake because I ______ ( already/ to be)there before and _______ ( to enjoy) the trip very much. My first day was a great surprise. Late in the evening people ______ ( to leaue) their tents to watch strange lights in the sky. The lights ______ (to fly) forsome time,and then ______ ( to fly) away. Nobody ______ ( can) explain whet they were. Another interesting moment wes when I ______ (to weatch) birds over the llake through a telescope. We ______ ( to be) happy to have sunny and warm weather. During the week I ______ ( to swim), ______ ( to fish) and _____ (to go) sunbathing a lot. I _____ ( to enjoy) the time in the Lake District. Now I miss the friends that I _____ ( to make) during my stay there.

Bets wishes,


Впиши в пропуски предлоги on in at In summer,we usually go to the beach every day. We wake up early 1)____ the morning and

have breakfast 2)___ atound 8o'clock . Then we leave for the beach. We swim for many hours and always have lunch late 3)____ the afternoon. After a short rest, we go out 4)____ night. Sometimes we go to the cinema or to a restaurant. 5)____ Saturdays , we usually go to the market to buy fresh fruit and vegetables and then we go to the beach. 6)____ Sundays , we always wake up late. We usyally get up7)___ around 10 o'clock and enjoy a long breakfast before heading off for the beach. I just love summers!

She asks me: “Please, go and turn the radio off”. 2. He says to me: “I don’t swim in the morning.” 3. Billy says: “Granny, water the flowers in the garden.

” 4. Sam says to me: “My mother is a doctor.” 5. Kitty says: “Don’t help me. I can do it myself.” Перевести предложения из прямой речи в косвенную

Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. 1. Marmalade is made of oranges. 2. This town was built a century ago. 3. They were invited to a birthday party. 4. The fax has just been sent. 5. America was discovered long ago.

Употребите правильную форму глагола в пассивном залоге. 1. You (advise) to wear warm shoes in winter. 2. The time before bed (spend) very pleasantly. 3. Sniffer dogs (use) by police to detect drugs and explosives. 4. Huge pine trees (uproot) by the storm. 5. You (allow, not) to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen.

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