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3. Put the words in the right box. have, swim, go, work, meet, practise, eat, do, look, paint, serve, read, deliver, repair, wait, come. play - playing

5-9 класс

dance - dancing get - getting

заяц123456789 21 окт. 2013 г., 5:58:49 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 окт. 2013 г., 8:23:10 (10 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Вставьте пропущенное слово:1.Когда мыВставьте пропущенное слово:

1.Когда мы говорим об исчисляемых существительных,мы используем глагола__числа.
2.Когда мы говорим о неисчисляемых существительных,мы используем форму глагола___числа.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form: Julia stood in the front hall of her house. She ……………………….. (look) out the window hoping to

see her taxi pull up. She …………………………….. (can \ not \ drive), so she ……………………………. (call) one to take her to the airport. She was very excited. Julia …………………………….. (go) on her very first business trip. Her boss, a strict woman named Ms Dryer, ………………….. (choose) her from all the other salespeople in the office. Julia ……………………………….. (prepare) for her trip all week. All her clothes ………………………………. (pack), also she ………………………… (get) all her papers in order, bought her ticket, ordered a taxi for 7 o’clock that morning. The only problem now was, where was the taxi? While she …………………….. (stand) at the window nobody passed her house. Julia ………………………. (tell) herself not to panic, the taxi would arrive, she just had to be patient. She thought, “I …………………………….. (give) the taxi another five minutes and then I will call my friend Bill, and ask him to take me to the airport”. Ten minutes ………………………… (pass) and Julia ………………….. (call) Bill. He ………………………………… (probably \ wake up) by her telephone ring, as he murmured, “Hello, Bill ………………………… (speak)”. In a nervous voice, she ……………………. (say), “ Bill, I’m sorry to bother you but I ………………….. (wait) for a taxi to take me to the airport for over an hour now and I think I …………………………… (miss) my plane. It ………………………… (leave) at 10am.” Julia’s calm returned as she heard Bill …………………. (say) that he would take her to the airport.

Читайте также

Put the words in right box.

Put the words in the correct order.
busy\the afternoon\am\l\in.
works \never\the garden\she\in.
mum\phone calls\is\making.
you\the dog\washing\are?
очень срочно

ПРОШУ ПОМОГИТЕ!!! 1. Put these words in order to make a question: 1) help 2) wash up 3) will 4) me 5) you ?

2. Put the words in the order to say that a period of time is short or long. Start from the word for the shortest period and move to the longest:

1) a year 2) an hour 3) a day 4) a minute 5) a month

3. Put the words in order to make a sentence:

1) never 2) to 3) I’ve 4) been 5) France

4. Put the words in order to make an English proverb:

1) in 2) its 3) season 4) everything 5) is good

Помогите, буду благодарна. хоть чем то) Внутренний мониторинг по английскому языку (8 класс) 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the

Present Continuous. Interviewer: Today, I'm in London and I'm interviewing (interview) Josh Ellis. Josh 1 ….. (come) from Wales. What2 ….. (you do), Josh? Josh: Well, I'm a student. This term we 3 ….. (study) modern music. I 4 ..… (play) the guitar and saxophone quite well and I 5 ….. (learn) to play the trumpet. Interviewer: 6 ..… (you belong) to a band? Josh: Yes. There are five of us. We usually 7 ..… (practise) at the weekend. At the moment we 8 ..… (make) a recording of our own songs and we 9 ….. (organise) a tour to Germany and France. Interviewer: So life is busy for you? Josh: Well, yes. In fact, life 10 ….. (get) quite stressful right now because of college exams next week! 2 Write sentences. (he/like/play tennis?) Does he like playing tennis? 1 (he/prefer/swim) ….. 2 (I/not Like/eat/meat) ….. 3 (Matt/enjoy/dance?) ….. 4 (I/can't stand/be/indoors all day) ….. 5 (They/quite like/live/abroad) ..… 3 Complete the sentences with these words. after, back, on with, up, up to 1. I'm not sure when they'll get back home. 2. The boys are very quiet. I wonder what they're getting ….. . 3. He never gets ..… early in the morning. 4. She doesn't get ….. her brothers very well. 5. She always takes the dog for a walk when she gets ….. from school. 6. I like looking ….. my young nephew. 4 Complete the sentences with these verbs. do, have, go, make My grandfather lives in a cottage in the country. Every morning he has breakfast at eight o'clock, 1 ..… his bed and then 2 ..… the housework. He always 3 ….. his main meal at one o'clock. In the afternoon, he 4 ..… his shopping in the village. He 5 ….. swimming once a week. 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. We had (have) our end-of-year party Last Saturday in the big hall at college. In the afternoon, Pete and I 1 ..… (get) the hall ready. But while we 2 ..… (put) up the decorations, Pete 3…... (fall off) the ladder. Fortunately, he 4 ….. (not be) hurt. That evening, when I 5 ….. (arrive) at the party, the band 6 ..… (play) and some of the students 7 ..… (dance). We 8 ..… (want) to have a barbecue outside, but it … (rain) so we 10 ….. (eat) inside. 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. Anna: I got (get) an email from my English penfriend, Julie, yesterday. Maria: That's nice. 1 ….. (you ever meet) her? Anna: No, but we 2 ….. (speak) on the phone. She 3 ..… (never visit) our country and I 4 ..… (never go) to England. Maria: My French penfriend 5 ..… (came) here last year and he 6 ….. (stay) with us for a month. I 7 ..… (not visit) him yet. His parents ….. (invite) me to stay with them next summer. Anna: That's great. 19 ….. (go) to France two years ago with my family and we 10 ….. (like) it very much. 7 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or no article. What time do you get up in the morning? 1. She can speak ….. Japanese. 2. I've forgotten my pen. Have you got ….. pen I can borrow, please? 3. I want to go to ..… new Leisure Centre next week. It's just opened. 4. We're not really interested in ….. sport. 5. He wants to be ..… film director. 6. Excuse me, waiter, can we have ….. bill, please? 7. Does he know a lot about ….. computers? 8. A: What are you doing at ..… weekend? В: I don't know. 9. A: Here's ..… phone number of his college. B: Thanks. I'll ring them now. 10. My niece wants ….. book about dogs for her birthday but I don't know which one to get her. 8 Complete the sentences with the correct words. There is one extra word. angry, energetic, excited, happy, sad, tired, worried She's worried, about her exams because she hasn't worked very hard this year. 1. Their parents get ….. when they come home late. 2. He's been jogging in the park and now he's really ….. . 3. She's ….. because her boyfriend hasn't phoned her. 4. I'm ..… because I've passed my driving test. 5. The children are going on holiday to America. They're very ….. because they've never been abroad.

Test I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets: 1. While the children (to play) football, the rain began to fall. 2. When we (to finish)

dinner, Susan took the dishes away. 3. We shall have supper when he (to come). 4. Tell me if you (to be) able to return by next Monday. 5. If you wash the dishes, you (to have) a chocolate. 6. I (to go) to London tomorrow. 7. The station-master knew what each passenger (to allow) to do. II. Choose the right article. 1. Have you heard the story of the two girls, who wanted to give ... Christmas present to ... friend but didn't know what to send? One of ... girls said, "Let's give her ... clock". "What's ... use of giving her ... clock?" said ... other. "She doesn't want that. She has got... clock. I think we ought to give her... book". "But", said ... first girl, "she has got... book, too, hasn't she?" 2. Ernest Hemingway is ... great American writer. His lather wanted him to be... doctor, but he became ... newspaper reporter. He took part in ... First World War which he described in ... novel "A Farewell to Arms". III. Circle the suitable preposition. 1. G.B.Shaw had lived in England (in, for, about) fifty years. English people had laughed (over, on, at) him and his plays. 2. I like to look (on, at, onto) the books on my shelves and to feel that I have my friends (round, about, among) me. 3. The rain is beating (at, on, onto) the windows. 4. I like to listen (---, to, on) the radio. IV. Circle the suitable pronoun. 1.1 haven't (much, many) time for study and that's why I have (many, much, few) mistakes in my homework. 2. Was there (something, anything) interesting in the paper yesterday? - No, there weren't (any, some, no) interesting articles in it. 3. Is this Mary's pen? - No, it is (my, mine). V. Circle the appropriate word I'd like to (tell, say) you something about Mr. Brown's house. He is an old friend of (my, mine) and I (had gone, went) to visit him about a week ago. I had to go (by, in) car. Mr. Brown was (happy, happily) to see me. (It, there) was a cold day and I was very pleased to see the bright lire (burn, burning) in the fireplace. VI. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. 1. room/ one/ there/ on / the/ was / a / side/ of/ piano. 2. fire/ we/ the/ down/ armchairs/ in / before/ sat. 3. which/ girls/ painted/ they/ the/ pictures/ to/ hoped/ sell. 4. lay/ the/ she/ window / near. 5. third/ studio/ floor/ old/ the/ was/ of/ on/ brick/ the/ house/ an. VII. Circle the right variant. 1. A: What do you say to a friend on his/her birthday? B: a) It's a pleasure. b) Many happy return of the day. c) The same to you. 2. A: Oh, Mr. Green, this is Miss Brown. B: a) How are you? b) How do you do? c) Very well, thank you. 3. A: Did you hear the news? B: a) It was good. b) They were good 4. It's time for dinner,… a) is it? b) isn't it? c) isn't there?

16. Put the words in order to make a sentence.

1) the tourists 2) unattended 3) the luggage 4) the guide told 5) not to leave

In tasks 21–25 write the nouns, made from the given words. In brackets you have the number of letters that your answer must contain.
21. arrange – (11)
22. long – (6)
23. create – (8)
24. sensible – (11)
25. deep – (5)

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