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Переделать повествовательные предложения в косвенную речь 1. The teacher said :" Next year we will have six hours of English a week" 2.He said :" I

5-9 класс

went to the sea lasy year"

Jcnhtwjdf 31 июля 2013 г., 6:05:27 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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31 июля 2013 г., 6:56:33 (10 лет назад)

1. The teacher said that  they woul have six hours of English a week the following year.

 2.He said that he had gone to the sea the year before.


Другие вопросы из категории

Complete the sentences with th correct form of th word in braskets.

Example: He isis famous singer.(sing)
1) Mak Twain is a well-known American ....... ( write)
2)Meg took photos of the famous ...... (politics)yesterday . He visited her school.
3) Barbera Grey is a ....... (teash) at a locat London school.
4) I'm reading a book about Anna Pavlova, a famous Russian ballet ....... (dance)
5) Let's go to the cinema. There is a new film about Issac Newton, a famous ....... ( science)

Что не относится к теме "House"?

a) study
b) hall
b) loft
c) attic
d) hash browns

Test Yourself

Ex. 1 Choose the right form.
1. I(were sleeping, was sleeping) when the dog started barking.
2. When she (heard, was hearing) the news, she phoned her son.
3. Mother (was cooking, cooked) dinner at 12 o'clock.
4. We (went, were going) to school when we ( were meeting, met) our friend.
5. They ( were wanting, wanted) to do homework at 4 o'clock after school.

1. Do people buy anything before Christmas? 2. What does everybody decorate before Christmas? 3. Do children write letters to anybody

before Christmas?

4. The shops are open every day everywhere, aren't they?

5. Does anybody work on 25th December?

6. Does anybody organize parties before Christmas?

7. Do people usually organize big parties on Christmas Day?

Нужно перевести помогите плиз

Читайте также

Перевести в косвенную речь,помоги ,пожалуйста

1. Не said to me: "I want to see you today." 2. She said: "I
am free tonight". 3. Mother said to me: "I feel bad today." 4.
The pupil said to the teacher: " I can do my homework after
dinner." 5. The teacher said to Jack: "You work hard, I know. You are
a good boy." 6. The teacher said to the pupils: "Next year we shall
have six hours of English a week." 7. The old man said to the girl:
"You can sing perfectly. I think you will be a fa­mous singer." 8. My
sister said to me: "You look very well, much better than you looked
yesterday. I think you have recovered after your illness." 9. My brother
said to me: "I am going to become a doctor." 10. My uncle said to us:
"I buy several newspapers every day." 11. "You are an excellent
cook. Everything is so tasty," said my guest to me. 12. The student said:
"I can't answer this ques tion. I don't understand it." 13. The
mother said: "The children are in the nursery, doctor." 14. "I
have no time for lunch today," said the boy to his mother. 15. "You
speak English very well," said the woman to me.

помогите переделать предложения в КОСВЕННУЮ РЕЧЬ: write the following sentences in indirect speech:

1. "Take these flowers when you leave home"- said my elder brother to me.
2."Do not speak loudly"- the lady said to the passenger.
3.She said to me,"Did he travel abroad?"
4.They told us,"You are the brightest students they have ever taught"
5.Ann asked her son,"What did the teacher tell you in the lesson?"
6.He said to me,"Are you going to type all the letters?"
7."Which of you can do the assignment?"- the professor asked his students.
8.Our mother said to us,"You will have to take the dog for a walk"
9.A stranger asked,"Do you know where the Bolshoy Theatre is?"
10.Ben^s friend asked him,"Are you keen on playing the guitar?"

Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи)Пожалуйста)Очень надо!)

1)"This man spoke to me on the road,"said the woman.
2)"I can't explain this rule to you,"said my classmate to me.
3)The teacher said to the class:"We shall discuss this subject tomorrow".
4)The woman said to her son :"I am glad I am here."
5)Mike said:"We have bought these books today."
6)She said to me:"Now I can read your translation."
7)Our teacher said :"Thackeray's novels are very interesting."
8)She said:"You will read this book in the 9th form."
9)Nellie said :"I read "Jane Eyro" last year."
10)"My friend lives in Moscow,"said Alec.

переведите в косвенную речь:

The manager of the company said to him,"we will have to ask you a couple of guestions".
"That's OK," the young man answered."I am happy to answer your guestions."
"Did your parentshave any illnesses?"
"Yes, actually. My mother was very unhealthy when she was a child, and she hsd problems with her health all her life."
"And was your father healthy?" the manager asked.

Даны предложения с прямой речью: 1) What is the problem? 2) When did you start felling ill? 3) Do you feel


4) Have you got a sore throat?

5) Have you taken any painkillers?

Нужно переделать эти предложения в косвенную речь в настоящем и прошедшем времени. Например, в настоящем времени: Доктор спрашивает болит ли у меня горло, а в прошедшем: Доктор спросил болит ли у меня горло.

Я сделала это заданее. Проверьте правильно или нет. Если правильно, напишите , что всё написано правильно, а если не правильно, напишите верное решение. Вот моё решение:

Прошедшее время:

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