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Помогите пж........срочно

5-9 класс

Roman1977041439 26 сент. 2016 г., 13:49:45 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 сент. 2016 г., 15:49:21 (7 лет назад)

d) smaller..............


Другие вопросы из категории

перевести на украинский tell us

составить из слов предложения

1 dogs, run, Can?
2 isn't, Ann's, dlack, cat.
3 a, funny, She,rabbit, got, has.
4 his,clock, Is, big?


to monitor people from the flooded village
to evacuate the warning on the radio and
to warn the destruction caused by the flood
to broadcast the water level
to rescue the survivors people about the danger
to limit of the volcano eruption

СРОЧНО!! Make the sentences into Passive: 1 Somebody stole my bag in the shop. My


2 The bill includes service.


3 People don't use this road very often.

This road_____________________________________

4 They cancelled all fights because of fog.

All fights______________________________________

5 Somebody cleans this room every day.

This room______________________________________

6 Somebody built this building in 1905.

This building_____________________________________

7 Someone invited Ali to a party.


8 People grow rice in many countries.


9 They teach Geography in the fist year.


10 Someone wrote that book in 1885.

That book_________________________________

11 Tomas Edison invented the electric light buld.

The electric light buld_________________________

12 A waiter murdered the president last Sunday.

The president________________________________

13 An old man bought that house yestarday.

That hoyse___________________________________

Решите пжл 6 и 7 задания

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста СРОЧНО НАДО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6.a)Write the questions to Peter's answers/
1. Who__________________________with?-With my parents and younger sister.
2. Hov___________________________?-By car/
3.How long_______________________for?-Two Weeks.
4._______________________________?-We went sightseeing and swemming in the sea.
5._______________________________?-No, I didn't.
6._______________________________?-Nice handmade souvenirs for my counsins.
7*.______________________________?-Yes. It was exciting.
b) Write about Petet's holidays.
Last summer Peter went to Spain________________________________________________.
ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Исправьте ошибки если они есть!!! 1 A post man has walk a lot. 2 Model`s don`t usually workon the stage. 3 Tennis players have to train hard. 4 A police

officer is aneasy job. 5 A lawyer dangerous job 6 A secretary has treat people. Предуприждаю что там не только орфагрофические ошибки ну и другие помогите пж срочно надо

Помогите пж срочно надо
Людии,помогите пожалуйста,срочно нужно сочинение по английскому на тему Школьная система в Казахстане или другое

Школьная система в Британии, пожалуйста люди помогите...срочно..........

Помогите срочно!!!!

Найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях.
1). She doesn't know many about cooking.
2). They are going to be happy. How do you think?
3). Their cat have many kittens.
4). What do you do at the moment?
Пожалуйста помогите, очень срочно!!!

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