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Правила к конструкции Where is /are

1-4 класс

двоешHик 03 авг. 2016 г., 23:32:04 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 авг. 2016 г., 0:11:19 (7 лет назад)

Where is /are - структура переводится ГДЕ?
is - для ед. числа
are - для множ. числа


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What form ( are am) you in? Who ( is are) your friend? They ( wasn't Weren't) in the forest yesterday. ( are is) they good pupils? Where ( are were ) they

last summer? Who ( is was) my best friend last year? She ( isn't wasn't) at home now. Where (was are) you? выберите верный вариант заранее огромное спасибо

срочно!!!!! задать вопрос и ответить на вопросы.образец: -where is Denis?-He is in the park . - what is he doing?- he is feeding the birds. теперь

задание:1 -where are the children?-.......... in the yard. - what........?.......... . 2- where is our Head Teacher?-........ in his study. - what........?-............. . 3 where are the girls ahd boys?-.......... in the cinema. - what ........?-........... . 4 where are our friends?- ....... at school.- what......?-........ . 5 where is the puppy?-...... in the hall. - what.........?- ....... .

Выберите правильную форму глагола. 1. Economics (is / are) his favourite subject. 2. The trousers (doesn't / don't) fit him. 3. The police (want /

wants) to interview men about the robbery. 4. Physics (was / were) my best subject at school. 5. The news (wasn't / weren't) as bad as we expected. 6. Where (do / does) your family live? 7. Thirty thousand pounds (was / were) stolen in the robbery. 8. Two years (is / are) a long time to be without job. 9. Five miles (is / are) a long way to walk every day.

прочитай прочитай предложения, выбери правельный глагол в present simple (am,is,are) или в past simple (was,were) 1.there is/are a lot of cows

in the field
2.the weather was/were rainy last summer
3.was/were you in the country last sunday?
4.my mum's eyes is/are blue
5.where was/were they a month ago?
6.we wasn't/weren't in the desert last year

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