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перекласти і поставити питання до речення:

5-9 класс

я іграла фудбол вчора

Bisti 04 авг. 2014 г., 7:21:33 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 авг. 2014 г., 9:41:18 (9 лет назад)

I played football yesterday.
What did I do yesterday?


Другие вопросы из категории

A There is a mistake in each line of this text. Find it and correct it as in the example. (10 points)

0 I’m not sure why, but I have never liked

Написать сообщение на тему "Fastfood" по следующему плану:

1 абзац: Сейчас фастфуд популярен...
2 абзац: Мое мнение+аргументы
3 абзац: Однако(However, who disagree with me)
4 абзац: Контраргументы
5 абзац: Заключение

Match the sentences with the responses A-E 1.I'm sorry,I've broken a glass. 2.I've just made my first cake! 3.What did you do


4.What's the matter?

5.do you like going to the dentist?

A.Well done!

B.you must be joking!

C.Never mind.

D.I can't find my watch.

E.Oh, this and that.

Помогите пожалуйста Make questions. 1.-... -he is reading A BOOK ABOUT DINOSAURS 2.-... -In the evening (they

are going to come in the eveng)


-Twenty seven



-Twenty seven

(he has got TWENTY SEVEN English books)


-Twenty seven

(The teacher had TWENTY SEVEN pupils)


-Twenty seven

(There were TWENTY SEVEN pupils in the class)


-Twenty seven

(He has visited TWENTY SEVEN countries)



(The boys are going to study ITALIAN)


-the boys are

(THE BOUS are going to study Italian)


-Two days ago (He spoke to the manager TWO DAYS AGO)

Читайте также

Знайти правильно поставлене питання до речення :

Thay play football every day.
a) Do they play football every day?
б) Does they play football every day?
в) Every day do they play football?
г) Is they play football every day?

put the wh-questions to the following sentences. use the words in brackets. 1. basketball and volleyball come from the united states of america.1. the

olympic games took place in greece more than two thousand years. 2. England was the birthplace of many modern kinds of sport. plissssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!


поставити WH-питання наступних реченнях. використовувати слова в дужках. 1. баскетбол і волейбол приходять із сполучених штатів america.1. Олімпійські ігри відбулися в Греції більше двох тисяч років. 2. Англія є батьківщиною багатьох сучасних видів спорту. будьласка!!!!!!!!!!!!=)

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