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Use the verbs with or withiut to or V+ing to complete the sentences.

5-9 класс

1.I have never seen them (sleep) out.
2.I heard them (discuss) the greenhouse effect yesterday.
3.Let him (look) at this bird carefully and (name) it.
4.Don't let them (join) the union.
5.The tourists expected the weather (be) good.
6.We wouldn't like their team (win) ours.
7.I heard him (ask) the students about the test.
8.I want you (know) more about politict.
9.Nobody expected him (take part) in the official ceremony.
10.The pupils' answers made the old teacher (be) happy.

настядаша 14 июля 2013 г., 2:56:05 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 июля 2013 г., 5:06:04 (10 лет назад)

1. sleeping
2. discussing
3. look
5. to be good
6. to win ours
7. asking
9. to take part
10. be happy


Другие вопросы из категории

Написать 1 предложение с каждым словом: 1. tune-мелодия, мотив 2. a first night-премьера 3. tour- гастроли 4. jazz-джаз

5. pianist -пианист

6. techno-техно

7. synthesizer-синтезатор

8. an idol-кумир

9. an instrument - инструмент

10. complicated-запутанный, сложный

помогите написать письмо на английском дам много баллов!

письмо ивану 100 слов дя 5 класса

перевидите текст.Good the teacher.

Читайте также

Match the verbs with its meaning: to suit -

1 to look good on someone; 2 to go with or look good with another item of clothing; 3 to be the right size.

Match the verbs with its meaning: to suit - …

1 to look good on someone;
2 to go with or look good with another item of clothing;
3 to be the right size.

TASK 1. Complete each sentence with a suitable form of the verb given. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, or the Past Simple or


1) I remember the day you got engaged. We were having tea in the garden when you came out of the house and told us. (have)

2) Molly's fed up because she injured her ankle when she___________ this morning, so she can't dance. (jog)

3) While I was admiring the view, someone stole the bag which _ ______ all my traveler’s cheques. (contain)

4) Look! _______ that man standing beside the cash desk? I'm sure he 's planning to steal something. (you / see)

5) Tea or coffee? I'm making both, so just say which you ________ . (prefer)

6) The boys didn't want to come shopping with us because they_________ the football on television. (watch)

Write sentences with the verbs from the word bank. Use different tense forms and the correct time expressions.

To sprain an ankle,
to pot smb.'s weight on,
to ease off smth.,
to soak,
to ease the pain,
to pad the ankle with cotton wool,
to use the first aid kit,
to use a roller bandage.
to wrap,
to limp.

Помогите пожалуйста с домашним заданием по английскому языку. Нужно к завтрашнему дню! За ранее спасибо) copy the sentences using the articles

where is necessary 1)I haven t ... idea of going for a walk

2)It was a nice place with ... green trees near .... river

3)Vitya is playing ... football in... yard

4)You need ... fresh air, fruit and vegetables

Copy the sentences using the past indefinite or past continuous

1)They … a lot of interesting things when they …. In the South (to see, to travel)

2)The students …when the teacher….(to shout, to come)

3)We… supper when the telephone ….(to have, ring)

4)It … when we … to the village (to rain, to get)

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