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Вставьте hes или have

5-9 класс

My cat___ two kittens.
The dogs ___ pupies.
He ___ a brother.
I___ a sister.
Kate___ a dog.

Aleksandra0214 07 дек. 2013 г., 20:29:39 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 дек. 2013 г., 21:46:01 (10 лет назад)

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Другие вопросы из категории

Срочно Надо!!!!!!!!Rewrite the sentences.Use the past Simple or the Future Simple.It is cloudy today. как можно быстрее

1.He is buse this week.
___________________next week.
___________________last week
2.She is a student this year.
___________________last year
___________________next year.
3.I am late today.
4.It is cold this month.
5.It is cold this month
___________________next moneth.
___________________last month.

Write the quiz questions.

1.When......the planet Pluto......(discover)?-In 1930.
2.Where.....the Mona Lisa......(display)?-The Louze in Paris.
3.Who.......Microsoft.....(own) by?-Bill Gates.
4.Which island continent ..............(explore) by CAptain Cook?-Australia.
5.What.......................(invent) by Marconi?-The radio.
пожалуйста срочнооо надоо! ПОМОГИТЕЕ

мне надо скласть реченя правильно из таких рядков

1,usually\ home \ Sundays\ at\ stay\ on\ I
2.likes\ room\ tidyng\ My\ sister\ her

Помогите под А

очень нужно (((

Читайте также

Нужно вставить эти слова : have got, has got

Нужно вставить эти слова : have got, has got ,haven`t got , hasn`t
got , has got .

An eagle has got strong wings . Hippos...... big bodies . Penguins ......long
neck . A tiger....... a short tail . An elephant .....a long nose .

Вставьте already, yesterday или yet.

1. I haven't cooked dinner ..........
2. Did you cook dinner ..........?
3. -Has sho comr ......?
- Yes, she has. She has ....... come.
4. They have ...... bought a present for Ann.
5. I haven't met him.....
Вставьте to или in.
6. They have never been .... Africa.
7. They were ..... Africa last year.
8. Have you ever been .... North America?
9. I have never been .... London.
10. My friend was.... Lomdon two years ago.

Вставьте "Some" или "any"

1) Would you like ___ coffee?
2) There isn't ___ cheese in the fridge.
3) Can you get ___ butter, please?
4) Shall we make ___ biscuits?
5) I hardly eat ___ fruit.

Вставьте somebady, anybody, nobody или everybody.
1) The question is so difficult that ... can answer it.
2) ... left his bag in our classroom yesterday.
3) Has ... in this group got a dictionary?
4) It is too late. I think there is ... in the office now.
5) ... know that plants like water.

нужно вставить по смыслу: have to, don't have to, can или can't. ______________________________________________________________

1)___ you ___ (wear) school uniform at your school or your school or is it optional?

2) ___ you ___ (get married) when you are 16 years old in our country?

3) Sue ___ (get up) early during the week because she doesn't work in the morning.

4) They ____ (wash) the dishes and help prepare the food.
6) They ___ (serve) the customers because they aren't waiters.
7) You____ (go) driving on your own, it's too dangerous.

8) You___(have) a partner.

9) You ___(leave) now if you want.

10) You ____(stay) until 5 o'clock, it's not necessary.

11) " ___ Monica ____ (use) a computer in her new job? "

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно нужно!!! буду очень благодарна!!!

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