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10-11 класс

What is globalization? A lot of people hear it, but few people know what the word means. Globalization – it is the process of integration of states and peoples in various fields. But not all people believe that globalization is a positive process. In the late twentieth century, there was a movement called "anti-globalization movement." Members of this movement are trying to protect the world's population from all negative activities that cause globalization. What promote anti-globalization? They stand for labor rights, environmentalism, feminism, freedom of emigration and more. Anti-globalization movement are against multinationals corporations. The activists believe that if the borders of the countries will be open to international corporations, they should also be open to the free choice of residence of people. In my opinion, the anti-globalization is very smart people. They look into the future and predict everything that will give us the process of globalization in a few years.

Sokata67 12 нояб. 2014 г., 13:58:11 (9 лет назад)
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12 нояб. 2014 г., 16:00:13 (9 лет назад)

What  does it  promote anti-globalization? 


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Hi, Dave
I met two interesting people at the conference.
Sara Parker is from America. She is finance director. Her office is in Washington. She loves the work.
James Billey lives in England. He works as the organizer. He has not office. He wants to lift the career.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Pasha. My surname is Udartsev. I was born on January 9, 1996 in Kyzyl.
I live together with my parents. My family consists of mother and me. I have no father. My mom is a good-looking woman. She is 43. She has two high educations. She works as medical worker. My mother likes reading books and magazines and she knows a lot of interesting things.SHe always helps me with my problems. I am student of the College of the city of Kyzyl.Studying to be a musician represents the fulfilment of one of my longest held dreams. I am fond of music.

Есть тут профи английского?Нужно просто проверить английский текст на ошибки!У нас училка такая злюка,помогите!I very much would like

to make an elective course on astronomy. It seems to me that astronomy very interesting subject. I would go on it with pleasure and is sure that some schoolmates too liked this course. Why astronomy? Because this subject at our school isn't present absolutely.
But it would be very desirable that on astronomy we studied only something interesting about our Universe that for this course didn't put an assessment. This course has to be for development that wasn't one million formulas with integrals, with unclear conclusions about any bodies... Only the intersny facts and filosovsky reasonings.
Even small knowledge of this subject will help the person to learn something new and interesting, to develop his intellectuals, it will be able to take conversation on the Universe.


Every day due to terrorism killed many people. Fear for their parents, children and friends accompany us. People seek security and the government supports them. For solving the problems of terrorism governments of different countries strive to establish lasting peace in the world. So start with other countries to cooperate or unite for international meetings, summits, discussions on problems of war and peace, sign treaties, to ban weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction. All this is doing to restore peace in the troubled areas. Now a very dangerous situation in Ukraine, Iran and other very important countries. For a good vital blow to crime, because the terrorists have income from the sale of drugs and weapons. For a successful fight against terrorism must be destroyed not only a terrorist organization, but a crime. It is necessary to wage war against the world of evil in General. We have to save succeeding generations from the terrorist attacks.

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