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помогите ответить по английскому Why do British children get up early on Christmas?

5-9 класс

Лёшик3567 29 мая 2014 г., 21:12:04 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 мая 2014 г., 23:16:12 (10 лет назад)

Because they wants open their presents.

+ 0 -
30 мая 2014 г., 1:23:54 (10 лет назад)

Because they quickly want to get their long-awaited gifts!


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Какой член предложения пропущен в данных примерах: сказуемое, подлежащее или дополнение?

a) There is a thick ____ on the table.
b) A very strange young _____ was walking in the street.
c) _____ is going to be a teacher.
d) His only _____ is to be happy.

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a) _____ are you going to do?
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10 б. Помогите! Как ответить на вопрос:

Why do British children get up early on Christmas?У этого сайта нет рейтинга

Answer the questions.

1. When do British people celebrate Christmas?
2. Why do British children get up early on Christmas?
3. What is another name for Santa Claus in Britain?
4. Where does Santa Claus live? Where doesDed Moroz live?
5. Where do Santa Claus (in Britain) and Ded Moroz (in Russia) put their presents for children?
6. What does Santa Claus fild in some houses on Christmas Eve?
7. Santa Claus Ahd Ded Moroz work hard in December, don`t they? What do they do?

Соединить вопросы и ответы. Вопросы: 1. When does the school year start in Britain? 2. At what age do British children go to secondary school? 3. Do

British students wear a school uniform? 4. Do children in Britain learn foreign languages at school? 5. What school holidays do British children have? 6.How long does a lesson in British school last?Ответы: a) At the age of 11 or 12. b) It stars in September. c) It lasts 40 or 45 minutes. d) Yes, they do. French is often the first language they learn at school. Sometimes they also learn a second foreign language :German, Spanish, Russian... e) most students do. The favourite colours for school uniform are blue, grey, black and green.f)They have Christmas holidays,Easter holidays snd summer holidays.Schools also have special half-term holidays in the middle of each term .Thesee holidays last week.

ответить на вопросы 1. Do you get up early? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Is it easy for

you to get up early?


3. Do you wake up yourself or does your alarm-clock wake you up?


4. Do you do your morning exercises?


5. What do you prefer: a hot or a cold shower in the morning?


6. What do you usually have for breakfast?


7. Some people look through newspapers or listen to the latest news on the radio while having breakfast. What about you?


8. When do you usually leave your house?


9. Do you work? If yes, where?


10. How long does it take you to get to your Academy (Institute)?


11. Do you go there by bus or by car?


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