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Complete the following sentences with

10-11 класс

a\an, the, no article:

flows through …London.

...USA is …fourth largest country in

Ldima00 19 янв. 2015 г., 11:15:23 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 янв. 2015 г., 13:42:49 (9 лет назад)

1. The Thames, London 2. The USA, the fourth 3. At 4. On


Другие вопросы из категории

Перевести на английский:

1)Потому что можно быть в курсе всех событий не выходя из дома.Читать новости, общаться по скайпу и.т.д.
2)Я считаю что телефон это полезная вещь,можно общаться на расстоянии, читать новости.Но от телефона к человеку идет излучение.
3)Потому что традиционной формой общения удобнее общаться.

I used to live in a small house in the country

5 типов вопросов, пожалуйста помогите, в зачете в универе , дело жизни и смерти

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Complete the following sentence with the words below:

Stand up for our rights... Take responsibility for... have a responsibility to ... have no right... have the right to... do our bit....

1.You really get on my nerves . Why don't you just go away?

I beg your pardon?You ............ to treat me with such disrespect.

2/ I'm taking part in a charity swimming race next week . Do you want to join me ?
Sure ! we should all ......... for charity

3. i didn't break your favourite mug , Dad . I swear !
tell the truth , Ryan . You should ... your actions

4. the local council said we are no longer allowed to play football in the park
That's not fair . we should ............ and do something about it

5. You ....... remain silent . Anything you say will be taken down in evidence .
I didn't steal the painting , officer ! It wasn't me

6. I witnessed a mugging yesterday . What should i do ?
Well , i think you .......... report it to the police

Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the list captain kick off free

kick/penalty pitch footballer fouls draw soccer score opponents coach league reague referee goal fair

1/ playing correctly is called__________play 2/ a federation of football clubs is called a football___________3/ when the teams have scored the same number of goals we say its a__________4/ during the math each team tries to_________ as many goals as possible 5/ the beginning of the math is the___________6/ what europeans call football americans call 7/ the leader of the teams is the __________8/ unfair moves are called___________ 9/ when a player breaks the rules the other team may get a____________

10/ a man who enforces the rules during a game is the __________ 11/a man in the________________is called a goalkeeper 12/ when you play in a football team you are a________________ 13/ an instructor of the team is a___________14/the players of the other team are the____________.

5.4.Put the following sentences into negative and interrogative forms: 1. Someone is waiting for you in that room. 2. He

knows nothing about the arson.-задать 2 вопроса.

3. We know something that can be useful for the investigation of the treason.

4. Everybody approved his conviction.

5. You can find evidence everywhere at the crime scence.

5.3.Read the words, determine what parts of speech they belong to and by means of what suffixes they are formed and translate them into Russian:

darkness, readiness, demonstration, sailor, especially, brightly, weakness, celebration, happiness, examiner, introduction, understandable, agreement, delegation, fatherless, hopeful, nameless, indifferent.

5.6.Read and translate the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. We (to find)....... very important evidence during the crime scene search.

2. Is everybody here? - No, one of our divisional inspectors (not to come).......................yet.

3. You anything (to hear).............about the government building arson?

4. He never (to prejudice)................his actions.

5. Why are you here? You are to interview witnesses.- But we already (to do)............................it.

6. Will you call after 3 o'clock? He (to arrive)...........by that time.

7. He already (to interrogate).......................the suspect when I saw him.

As soon as little Michelle (take) to hospital her ankle (X-ray) and the X-ray plates (give) to the doctor. He (exami­ne)

her ankle thoroughly and (decide) that it (have) to be put in plaster at once. Although her ankle (be) painful, she (not/cry) and everybody (say) how brave the girl (be). Now Michelle's ankle gradually (get) better and the doctor just (tell) her mother that he (be) able to take off the plaster next Monday. Then she (send) home if everything (be) all right.

Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. What is he afraid ...? 2. If you are interested ... literature you may join our literary society. 3. Kate is very good ... English. 4. Is she still afraid... darkness? 5. My mother was angry ... me for my bad behavior. 6. The Welsh are very proud ... their language. 7. Ann is fond ... her younger brother. 8. Do you think your teachers had much influence ... you? 9. Paul is getting anxious ... his future career. 10. Hurry up or you'll be late ... the plane. 11. Jane is 16 and she speaks two foreign languages. Her parents are very proud ... her. 12. He is used ... getting up early. 13. Many people are fond ... winter sports. 14. The manager was satisfied ... Bill's work and offered him a pay rise. 15. He is interested ... foreign languages. 16.1 was late ... the office again this morning; that is why the boss seems to be angry... me. 17. His garden is very well kept and he is very proud ... it. 18. He is married ... Cathleen and has three children. 19. Children are usually fond ... sweet things. 20. Nick is ill... the flue. He won't be coming tonight. 21. Sydney in Australia is famous ... its Opera House. 22. You are very good ... explaining things. 23. Are you worried ... your driving test? 24. I'm tired ... eating potatoes every day. Why can't we have rice for a change? 25. To tell you the truth, I'm not very keen... seeing him again. 26. If you are not satisfied ... the service at the hotel, you should complain to the manager. 27. I'm surprised ... you, forgetting your briefcase like that. 28. It was good ... you to help Dave with his homework. 29. The public is taking a lot of interest ... the new courses offered by the Open University. 30. We're angry ... Alex for letting us down. 31. He's quite nice but I wouldn't like to be married ... him. 32. The pudding was made ... fruit and chocolate. 33. Are you familiar ... this type of machine? 34. His essay is full... mistakes. 35. The jury found him quilty ... murder

Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 37. _______ the terms of the contract,

he couldn’t work for another company. 38. You should always rely _______ your dictionary to check the meaning of a word.

39. He was unable to cope _______ the pressure and left the company.

40. We got on the wrong train _______ mistake.

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