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Помогите вставить слова

5-9 класс

Gadtagir72 15 июня 2013 г., 7:29:34 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 июня 2013 г., 9:36:00 (11 лет назад)

2) has built 3) was given 4) made 5) 're learning 6) is situated 7) were stolen 8) were bought 9) estimates 10) spend  


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста с английским, буду очень вам признательна, за ранее огромное спасибо, тем кто не пройдёт мимо....

1. This is a pen. Those ….. books.

a) is b) am c) are d) be

2. I speak English. She ….. Japanese.

a) speaking b) do speak c) speaks d) are speaking

3. I’m sorry, I ….. understand.

a) no b) not c) doesn’t d) don’t

4. “ Where ….. now?”

a) lives he b) is he living c) he is living d) he living

5. Take your coat. It ….. rain.

a)is going to b) will c) is d) has

6. “ Where ….. yesterday?” “ I was at home.”

a) you were b) you was c) you d) were you

7. “ Where ….. yesterday?” “ I didn’t go anywhere.”

a) went you b) did you went c) did you do d) was you go

8. My French is very good. I speak French …..

a) good b) bad c) well d) badly

9. Richard ….. the tickets.

a) already bought b) has already buy c) has already bought d) buy

10. Richard ….. To a girl when I saw him.

a) talk b) talking c) will talk d) was talking

11. The man ….. came yesterday is very rich.

a) he b) who c) has d) when

12. John ….. since he left school.

a) was working b) woks c) has been working d) will be working

13. “ I’m a student.” He told me that ….. A student.

a) I am b) I was c) he was d) he is

14. I’m not as clever as you. You are ….. that I am.

a) clever as b) cleverer as c) clever that d) more clever

15. “ ….. Romeo and Juliet?” “ Yes. I saw it on Wednesday.”

a) Did you seen b) Have you seen c) Will you seen d) do you seen

Ответьте на вопросы по 1 и 2 тексту

a) How old is he?
b) Where was be born?

Помогите переделать в косвенную речь

1)the student to his theater :"I am sorry for coming late"
2) the son to his mother :"I have broken your vase"

Читайте также

Помогите вставить слова пожалуйста)

бОльшую часть уже сделал)
осталось только..
вот, короче
water on the earth surface e********s(вставить 8 букв) and rises into the a*********(9 букв вставить) making it h****(4 вставить).
When the clouds rise h*****(5), the water droplets in them fr****(4) and turn into little beans of ice of crystals of ice.
If the air near the ground is warm, the beans of ice or crystals of ice turn into rain and snow or s****(4).

Прошу вас)

нужно вставить слово work в правильной форме^

He .... hard because he s got a math test tomorrow
My mother is a teacher.She ... in a priamary school.
нужно вставить слово write в правильной форме^
Jane lets go the cinema.- I am afraid,I can not . I ...... an essay.And itll take a lot of time to do it.
She doesnt use a computer orthe Internet, she .... letters to her sons every Friday.

ПОМОГИТЕ ВСТАВИТЬ СЛОВА В ТЕКСТ There are five of us in my family. We all have different ... . My dad ... fishing. My mother prefers to ...

and watch TV. She can watch silly ... the whole day. My elder sister tries to ... . She likes dancing and ... . My little brother has a sweet tooth. He enjoys ... . My grandpa makes ... . He also has a big collection of ... . My best friend and me ... at discos. So you see, tastes differ.


Hobbies ,soap operas, be responsible for, like dancing, dive, stay at home, is fond of, eating cakes and sweets, free time, sport, programmes, keep fit, swimming, models of ships, have fun, stamps and coins, horse riding.

помогите вставить слова в текст))) плииииз

Jess Hassett is a student of East Square London School . Her school .... some Russian students to visit London during their spring holidays.Jess is responsible .... the arrangement of the English- Russian student ... Jess gave ... to a correspondent of a youtg newspaper. She told him about her hobbies. the ... instrument she can play, the ... languages she can sheak and about ... friends. а слова вот эти: foreing,exchange, for, musical,an interview , her, invited

вставить слово MAKE в нужной форме

Her mother pulled two packages from her shopping bag. In the first package there were some very nice slippers. They ___________ from soft, pink fabric and had bright flashing lights. Inside the second package were glow-in-the-dark pyjamas! вставить слово

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