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John Lennon’s compositions _______________ by numerous musicians all over the world nowadays. play are played are being played have been played

10-11 класс

Milalisa 14 апр. 2015 г., 2:41:16 (9 лет назад)
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14 апр. 2015 г., 3:15:16 (9 лет назад)

John Lennon’s compositions are played by numerous musicians all over the world nowadays.


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переведите на англ.язык

1)Никто не сидит у окна.
2)Ассистент измеряет давление воды.
3)На полке несколько книг.
4)После занятий мы куда-нибудь сходим.

Преобразовать из прямой речи в косвенную 1) "What do they want ? " she asked me 2) "What is your from ? " he asked me 3) "Where are you from ? " he said 4)

"Who speaks Spanish ? " the man asked 5) He said, "Do you know this boy ? " 6) He said, "Do you want to travel to Europe or to the USA?" 7) They said, "Heve you ever been to England before?" 8) She said, "Is the man your father or your husband? " 9) She said, "We are going out. Will you join us? " 10) She asked, "Can you help me translate the text ?"

Помогите пожалуйсто решить задания!! Get ready to ask questions about your friends family.Write them down/ Cпросите

своих друзей о их семье.Напишите вопросы.

3. Напишите 3 формы глаголов: думать, приходить, находить, давать, видеть.

Расскажите о Present Simple (функция, формула, сигнальные слова, отрицательная и вопросительные формы).

Читайте также

Jonn Lennons compositions ------------ by numerous musicians aii over the world nowadays

are play
are being played
have being played

Выделить пассивный залог.

Coca-Cola in enjoyed all over the world. Enormous guantitles of it are soldevery year, in over one hundred and sixty countries. The drink was inwented by Dr John Pemberton in Atlanta, on 8 May, 1886. South American and African plants (coca and cola) were used to make the drink ant it was given the name Coca-Cola by his partner, Frank Robinson. In the first year, only nine drinks a day were sold. The business was bought by a man called Asa Candler in 1888, and the first factory was opened in Dallas, Texas, in 1895. Coca-Cola is still made there. Billions of bottles and cans have been produced since 1895.
Thirty years later the famous Coca-Cola bottle design first appeared. The style of the bottle ant the trademark are very important for the success of the drink. Diet Coke has been made since 1982, andoverthe yearmany clever advertisements have been used to cell the product. It is certain that Coca-Cola will bedrunk far into the twenty-first century.

раскрыть скобки используя пассивный и активный залог.

1.lenin's centenary (to celebrate) by all prpgressive humanity in 1970/
2.we (to finish) our experiment in a week.
3.the delegatoin of foreign workers(to meet) at the station yesterday.
4.young trees (to plant)last autumn.
5.this question not (to discuss) at the conference.
6/i (answer) my brother's letter last week.
7.pushkin and lervontov (to lieve) in the 19 centuary.
8.people (to gight) for peace.
9.peace (to fight) fot by all people all over the world.
10.heat and light (to give) to us by the sun.
11.i (use) filk songs in my composition.
12. the letter (sent) eysterday)?
13.chemically pure water never (to meet) winh in everyday life.
14.the production of our industry( to increase) from year to year.
15.not much attention (to pay) to the living conditions.

Active or Passive?

Coca-Cola __________1(enjoy) all over the world. 1.6 billion gallons __________2(sell) every year, in over 160 countries. The drink __________3(invent) by Dr.John Pemberton in Atlanta, on May 1886, but his partner, Frank Robinson __________4(give) it the name Coca-Cola. In the first year, only nine drinks a day __________5(sell). In 1888, a man called Asa Candler __________6(buy) the company. The first factory __________7(open) in Dallas, Texas, in 1895. Coca-Cola ___________8(still / make) there today. Billions of bottles and cans __________ 9(produce) since 1895. Diet Coke ___________10(produce) since 1982, and over the years the company ___________11(use) many clever advertisements to sell the product. It is certain that Coca-Cola __________12(drink) far into the following centuries.

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