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Переведите в косвенную речь. срочно

5-9 класс

A young man went into an insurance office. He wanted to get some life insurance. The manager of the company said to him "We'll have to ask you a couple of questions."
That's OK," the young man answered. "I'm happy to answer your questions."
"Did your parents have any illnesses?" "Yes, actually. My mother was very unhealthy when she was a child, and she had problems with her health all her life."
"And was your father healthy?" the manager asked.
"Not really, he had heart problems."
I'm sorry to hear that," the manager said quietly. "How old were they when they died?"
"Oh, they were still very young. My mother was thirty-five and my father was forty."
The manager sighed. "I'm sorry, sir," he said, "but I can't give you any life insurance."
When the man was leaving the office, another manager came up to him. "You mustn't be so honest with people," he smiled. "Next time use your imagination and make something up."

Kamilа01 15 апр. 2014 г., 20:46:05 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 апр. 2014 г., 21:46:36 (10 лет назад)

1) The manager of the company said to him they would have to ask me a couple of questions.
2) The young man answered he was happy to answer my questions and asked if my parents had had some illnesses.
 4) I answered that my mother had been very unhealthy when she was a child, and she had had problems with her health all her life.
5) The manager asked if my father had been healthy.
6) I answered he had had heart problems.
7) The manager said quietly he was 


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Complete these sentences with the best adjectives. Example: A good librarian is intelligent and sociable.

1.) A good engineer is ....

2.) A modern farmer is ....

3.) A nice nurse is ....

4. )A real friend is....

5) If you like your pet, ypu are...

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Помогите пожалуйста!!
Составьте вопросы из слов по английскому языку!!!

1)about, Tom dreaming, what, was?

2)the, long, through, each, went, how, was, process, which, part, Tom’s, of, clothes?

3)stockings, like, were, what, new?

4)sort, documents, was, after, Tom, busy, breakfast, what, of?

5)many, servants, their, get, could, money, why, not, work, their, for?

Помогите пожалуйста:

a people who is nervous in the company of others is ....

Читайте также

Переведите в косвенную речь, в прошедшее время

"Please will you write the date.
Mary told...(напишите предложение выше в косвенной речи)

Переведите в косвенную речь ,пожалуйста СРОЧНО!)

(Если что спрашивает КОРОЛЬ)
1) Are you happy , my Queen?
2)Are you a good fairy or a wicked one?
3) How much bread have you baked today?
4)What are you doing here?
5) Did you make clothes for any other kings?
6)Have you won the war ?
7) Would you like to play chess with me ?
8) Can you get more money ?
9) Where are you from?
10) Do you look after my roses well?

СРОЧНО!!!!!! перестройти из прямой речи в косвенную речь I spend about seven hours a day watching TV on weekdays and sometimes a bit more

at weekends. Last night I was witching tv from 6 to 11 p.m. It crazy! (Amelia)

I enjoy watching TV in the evening but only for about theree hours. Today Iam going to watch my favourite "Friends" on Channel 4. And that is all! (Sam)

перестройте из косвенной речи в прямую

First comes Amelia. She said that she spent sever hours a day watching TV. She also said that she had been wathing TV from 6 to 9 p.m. the day before

Помогите! Смысл задания: переделавть в косвенную речь.1. I said to him

Помогите! Смысл задания: переделавть в косвенную речь.
1. I said to him: "Are you sure about it?"
2. The weather forecast said:"There will be a tornado in 3 hours."
3. The librarian said: " They have taken your book, but you may borrow another one."
4. Mother asked: "What were you reading yesterday? "

и вот в этом: Past Continuous or Past Simple?
1. What you (do) when the phone (ring)? I (watch) television.
2. Was Jane busy when you went to see her? Yes, she (study).
3. What time Tom (come) yesterday? He (come) while I (have) breakfast.
4.Was Mary at school last week? No, she (not go) to school. She was ill.

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