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Помогите с этим Expressing Yourself Directions: try to copletr the following expressions about yourself. 1) I dream about _______________________________

10-11 класс

2) I think about _________________________________ 3) I am afraid of _________________________________ 4) I am interested in _____________________ 5) On the weekends I like to ___________________ 6) I am good at _________________________ 7) I am not good at ________________ 8) I am glad when ______________ 9) I am sad when ___________ 10) I don't believe _____________ 11) I have difficulty with ____________ 12) I laugh when ___________ 13) I cry when _________________ 14) I get angry when ____________ 15) I love it when ___________________________________________________

Simplexxx 03 марта 2015 г., 14:15:43 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 марта 2015 г., 16:32:10 (9 лет назад)

1)I dream about a carwhich has a high speed. 2) I think about you day and nights. 3) I am afraid of deep water. 4) I am interested in science fiction. 5) On the weekends I like to sleep. Because on the weekdays I work a lot. 6) I am good at  fascinating girls(boys). 7) I am not good at solving math problems. 8) I am glad when my mother cooks a tasty food. 9) I am sad when swear with someone. 10) I don't believe that there are aliens on Earth. 11) I have difficulty math problems. 12) I laugh when I hear a good joke. 13) I cry when I hear bad news which happened with my relatives. 14) I get when angry under pressure. 15) I love it when it rains. Воот)) Но я ведь не знаю твою натуру)


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Составьте предложение из слов и словосочетаний ,учитывая порядок слов английского предложения .


Упражнение 4. Передайте следующие предложения в Present Simple Passive.

1. They build new houses every year.
2. They give parties every month.
3. We wash up dishes after dinner.
4. They buy tickets by phone.
5. They regularly publish new books.
6. People play football in our country all the year round.
7. People lose many umbrellas in trains and buses every day.
8. Children eat a lot of cakes.

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Помогите пожалуйста! Write the questions to which the following may be the answers. 1. Yes, the policy of the Government may contradict the wishes of

the House of Commons. 2. The Cabinet is the real instrument of Government. 3. The Prime Minister has the right to dissolve Parliament at any time. 4. No, backbenches don’t vote against the policy of the government. 5. The Cabinet usually includes between 17 and 23 members. 6. Yes, ultimate decisions rest with the Cabinet. 7. The Prime Minister has gained power at the expense of his colleagues. 8. No, the Cabinet does not have to seek the approval of the House of Commons. 9. The Secretary for Foreign Affairs is the member of the Cabinet. 10. Yes, the Cabinet has acquired great power in Parliament.

Read the situation and make notes which will help you to write the letter.

a local newspaper has recently published a series of articles about young people. in most of the articles, young people are described as irresponsible, rude and looking only for cheap entertainment. these opinions are mainly based on a few recent incidents in the local discotheque. you're going to write a letter to the editor expressing your disapproval not only with the editorial policy of treating the topic, but also whith the perception of young people.

make notes which will help you to write the letter :
-reason(s) for writing your opinion;
-your arguments + suggestions;
-opposing views & your counterarguments;
-closing remarks.

VIII. Ask questions to have the following answers:1. The seven days of the week are named in honour of the sun, the moon and five of the planets. 2. The

year is divided into four seasons, each having three months. 3. In spring the trees are filled with new life. 4. Both the day and the night are divided into 12 hours. 5. The dial of the clock is marked with figures to indicate the hours.

Simple Past / Past Continuous помогите пожалуйста срочно надо(((((((((( 1. A: What (you, do) when the accident occurred? B: I (try) to change a

light bulb that had burnt out. 2. After I (find) the wallet full of money, I (go, immediately) to the police and (turn) it in. 3. The doctor (say) that Tom (be) too sick to go to work and that he (need) to stay at home for a couple of days. 4. Sebastian (arrive) at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM, but she (be, not) there. She (study, at the library) for her final examination in French. 5. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time yesterday, she (watch, also) television. That's all she ever does! 6. A: I (call) you last night after dinner, but you (be, not) there. Where were you? B: I (work) out at the fitness center. 7. When I (walk) into the busy office, the secretary (talk) on the phone with a customer, several clerks (work, busily) at their desks, and two managers (discuss, quietly) methods to improve customer service. 8. I (watch) a mystery movie on TV when the electricity went out. Now I am never going to find out how the movie ends. 9. Sharon (be) in the room when John told me what happened, but she didn't hear anything because she (listen, not) . 10. It's strange that you (call) because I (think, just) about you. 11. The Titanic (cross) the Atlantic when it (strike) an iceberg. 12. When I entered the bazaar, a couple of merchants (bargain, busily) and (try) to sell their goods to naive tourists who (hunt) for souvenirs. Some young boys (lead) their donkeys through the narrow streets on their way home. A couple of men (argue) over the price of a leather belt. I (walk) over to a man who (sell) fruit and (buy) a banana. 13. The firemen (rescue) the old woman who (be) trapped on the third floor of the burning building. 14. She was so annoying! She (leave, always) her dirty dishes in the sink. I think she (expect, actually) me to do them for her. 15. Samantha (live) in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she (live) there when the Berlin Wall came down. 1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice. 2. Usually, I (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study) French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris. 3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) . 4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) . 5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) . 6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say) because everybody (talk) so loudly. 7. Justin (write, currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when he is finished. 8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go) to a movie tonight with some friends. 9. The business cards (be, normally ) printed by a company in New York. Their prices (be) inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good. 10. This delicious chocolate (be) made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.

Помогите поставить глаголы в правильную временную форму: Dear Ann, I (receive) your letter about two weeks ago and (try) to

find time to write you back ever since.

I (be) very busy lately. In the past two weeks, I (have) four tests, and I have another test next week. In addition, a friend (stay) with me since last Thursday. She wanted to see the city, so we (spend) a lot f time visiting some of the interesting places here. We (be) to the zoo, the art museum, and the botanical gardens. Yesterday we (go) to the park and (watch) a balloon race. Between showing her the city and studying for my exams, I (have, barely) enough time to breathe. Right now it (be) 3 a.m. and I (sit) at my desk. I (sit) here five hours doing my studying. My friend’s plane (leave) at 6.05, so I (decide) not to go to bed. That’s why I (write) to you at such an early hour in the day. I (get) a little sleepy, but I would rather stay up. I (take) a nap after I (get) back fronttaking her to the airport. How (get, you) along? How (go, your classes)?

Please write soon.

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