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Сочинение на тему Only people who earn a lot of money may be successful

5-9 класс

58lera58 24 мая 2013 г., 9:03:50 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 мая 2013 г., 11:52:33 (11 лет назад)

Only people who earn a lot of money may be succesful. I think it is right sentence/ Look around. It is a modern life now. People try to earn money in any ways. But if they want to be succesful they must learn good at school. But many people steal money from banks and rich houses/ It is terrible, isn t it? Because all the people know this phrase: Only people who earn a lot of money may be successful


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My sign of the zodiac - twins. And when I once again read through the horoscope of your zodiac sign , then wondered - how does this description sounds like me . In the horoscope was written that I quickly throw what I was doing without regret , and begin to seek another case. As the truth is the truth. Quite often I get tired of one passion , and I am desperately trying to switch to another , as the monotonous things depress me . Also in the horoscope is written that I do not punctual person . But it is not. I rarely late, and if it does happen, I 'm late for a while. Twins do not like slow-moving people, they are emotional, like stepping into the debate for hours on the flight , proving his point. I agree with these opinions, yes , it's very similar to me . In my horoscope there are a few differences from me, but this can only say one thing : how many people, so many opinions.

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1)Refrase the statement.
2)Give your point of view.
3)2-3 arguments for your point of view.
4)Express the opposite point of view.
5)1-2 arguments for the opposite point of view.
6)Why I don't agree with the opposite point of view.

P.S. Пишите про телевизор, а кинотеатр - оппозиционная точка зрения. Нужно срочно!!!

Сочинение на тему : моя идеальная школа Проверить мою граматику, построение предложений. Если есть ошибки , то исправьте. и покажите как и

почему. Если можите то добавьте по смыслу еще какие-нибудь предложения

I love my school. I do not know how looks like my ideal school.
My school is the best. The school has small flaws.
We have a lot of people, but not enough places. And I do not like it. We also have a long change. In our school very tasty food. Our teachers are very good people. They are demanding to his subject.. I like surprising number of lessons and homework.
I can say that I'm in an ideal school.

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