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we can't .... to go to the rock concert. Will you give me a .... with the dishes?

5-9 класс

ПеЧеНьКоВа 21 дек. 2014 г., 14:37:50 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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21 дек. 2014 г., 16:58:23 (9 лет назад)

1)We can't move to go to the rock concert. 2)Will you give me a food with the dishes? 


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По английскому языку мне задали сделать рисунок к кому либо произведению зарубежных (английских) писателей, я думала нарисовать картину "Тайна голубого поезда" Агата Кристи, но к сожилению поезд я так и не смогла нарисовать.
Порекомендуйте какое ИЗВЕСТНОЕ произведение можно нарисовать, чтоб было не очень сложно, как нибудь оригинально, может кто нибудь что-то читал?

Who makes a good friend?
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Помогите пожалуйста предложение на английском языке поставить в отрицание и в вопрос:

+ Hats are usually bought when the weather is hot.
- ________________________________________.
? ________________________________________?

Читайте также

Turn the questions from direct into reported speech. 1.When Will you call me? She asked George 2.She asked "Can you play the piano?"

3.He asked Who`s there?

4.Do you like fish?she asked Johnatan

5.What have you done today?Mother Asked

6.Jim asked Did you go to work yesterday?

7.How did you get here?he asked

8.Have you seen my blue jacket anywhere? she asked

9.He asked Will you take me to work tommorow?

10.She asked Where Have you been?

11.She asked will they visit us in the summer

Choose 3 correct sentences with uncountable nouns.

1) I want to buy some food
.2) Mario didn’t buy any shoes.
3) Let’s listen to some good music!
4) Will you give me that can?
5) I’ve got some cheese but I haven’t got any butter for sandwiches.
6) There are some carrots in the fridge.

Как произносится? Wrdthci. The weather Is a subject we can always talk about, It often chenRes and brings cold and heat, sunshine and rain. frost and

snow. One day Is often uiilikr the nrxt. In lummcr the sun shines, often there is no wind and there are no cloudb lii tin1 sky which Is blue and beautiful. We can see stars and the moon at night and people like walks, outdoor games and sports in the fresh air. When autumn comes, the days become shorter and colder. It gets dark earlier and often heavy clouds cover the sky bringing rain with them. Sometimes there is heavy rain, so that an umbrella or ii r.iiticojt ib iiccessdry if wo don t want to get wet through. Then you can hear people say, "What bad weatherl When Is this rain going to stop?" Many people then catch cold and must go to bed.Then a fire at home Is so pleasant. At last frost and snow come. Fields, forests and houses are covered with snow and rivers and lakes with Ice. But spring again brings sunshine and warm winds. Sometimes It snows but snow will not remain long, it will melt in the warm sun. Spring will bring bright sunshine, green grass and flowers. We usually say: "A nice day", "Not a bad day" or "It's nice weather for the time of the year" if the weather is fine, We can say: "It looks like rain", "It looks like snow" of "It's bad weather" when the weather is bad.

CHange the following sentences into Reported Speech. 1.”Do you want me to read to you”, I asked. 2.”All boys like candy”, she said. ”Eat this candy.I'll

bring you some more." 3." Please", she said, "what does the telegram say?Will you read it to me?" 4." Ann, what's the time? My watch has stopped."-she added. 5."when I am in the country," he replied, "I never wish to leave it; and when I am in town it is prety much the same." (Jane Austen) 6."You must not be too severe upon yourself," replied Elizabeth. (Jane Austen) 7."Do you suppose them to be in London?" "yes; where else can they be so well concealed?", she said. (Jane Austen) 8. "You'd better keep him interested," said I, "till we get the scheme going Loosen up". 9. " I am sorry. What's the matter?", he asked. "I haven't been sleepind very well the last two or three nights," she said calmly. (S. Maugham)

12×2=24 points) Read the letter. Put the positive and negative full forms of the verbs in the correct form. Put the answers only in full forms with one

space between them! Вводим/записываем полные формы глаголов через один пробел между словами возле соответствующего номера (если в скобках указано местоимение или наречие, то их также вводим/записываем на нужном месте!)

Dear Sal,

You’ll never guess where I (11. __________ write) from, I (12. __________ sit) in the garden of a hotel overlooking Lake Windermere. The hotel we (13. _______________ stay) in is amazing! It’s so good to get away. Every morning I (14. __________ get) up at 7 o’clock and I (15. __________ go) for a swim in the lake before breakfast. Since we arrived, we (16. _______________ do) a lot of sightseeing but we (17. ____________________ not/visit) the castle yet.

We are watching the boats coming and going all morning and the owner of the hotel (18. ____________________ just/suggest) that we take a boat trip this afternoon. There is a boat that leaves at 2 o’clock that we can take to cross the lake to Wray Castle—it sounds like fun.

We have certain plans. We (19. _______________ travel) to Scotland this weekend to visit relatives and then we (20. _______________ return) to London next week.

I was happy to hear you’re going to Paris this summer, (21. _______________ you/book) the tickets yet? It’s an amazing city, so I’m sure you (22. _______________ have) a great time. You’re so lucky!

Email me soon and tell me your news.


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