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This lake isn't deep at all. It's really. ...

5-9 класс


Dashaki 06 сент. 2014 г., 3:21:33 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 сент. 2014 г., 5:41:15 (9 лет назад)

а ...................


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меню по англійській мові
1 Where is Ann? – She (to take down) the curtains in the sitting-room. 2 The group of tourists from France (to visit) Snt.Paul’s Cathedral at 2 o’clock

in the afternoon yesterday. 3 While the young people (to walk) along the path they (to argue) angrily. 4 He is a student of Agricultural Academy and (to do) very well. 5 Come to me at 6! We (to watch) “The Sleeping Beauty”. 6 She lay in the sun and watched the puppies who (to bathe) in the cold water of the stream. 7 It is so hot that the chocolate (to melt). 8 Next summer we (to live) together with my numerous stepbrothers and stepsis-ters. 9 While the tailor (to measure) John, the boy (to tell) him the latest news. 10 While mother (to cook) dinner, he (to do) his homework.

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плиз помогите(

1/This take isn't deep at all. It's really ...
1)narrow 2) low 3) shallow 4) vast
2/ 1. How long ... married, Sue?
2. ...... you a sandwich?
1/ Are you parents/ have had
2/Are you parents/ had
3/Were your parents/ had
4/Have your parents been/ had

3)Mice's bike .... last Thursday.
1/is stolen 2/ stole 3/ has stolen 4/was stolen

15. This isn't deep at all. It's really......

A) narrow Б) low B) shallow Г) vast
16. A: Mum, I'm starving!
B: ....... you a sandwich?
A) Can I have Б) Shall I make B) I'd like to make Г) Should I do
Помогите! Очень срочно!

Сожмите! Now reading - the most widely used method of transmitting information, and the book - its carrier. However, it was always, at all

times. Therefore, it is important to read and even to get involved, because they rightly say: "possess information - have a situation." But what is the use of reading, and whether it is at all?

First, the continuous reading of trains the brain. When you read, the way of seeing the world changes: you start to dream, to create certain "book" images (places, people, events). In addition, improve memory book, broadens the mind, change the spelling. Yes, that's right: when you read, working visual memory, which will not allow in the future to make a mistake in the lyrics. And yet, the frequent focus on teaching reading a book, and anything at all, increases the diligence and mood.

In - the second, with the reading of books increases your vocabulary, there is a particular way of thinking, whereby thoughts clearly expressed and easy to formulate. You can verify this yourself: simply read some classic. After that, any (even the one who had and "two words could not"), notice how much easier it was to use words to express their thoughts. Notice how it easier to express themselves, to look up words. Note that from his lexicon go different words-parasites.

Third reading - just a fun pastime. That's because it can find new companions, friends, associates or topics of conversation with them. And book lovers are very friendly with them is always easy to talk to. You can spend your free time, while enhancing mood and inspiration. In the extreme case - just enjoy a conversation with the author or his story, a story. Reading is not boring, does not become stale: books-that very much, and each of them is unique.

And finally, fourth: Each reading process, in fact - a little journey through time and distance. The book just breaks different timeframe limitations. Only with it you can feel, to understand the thoughts of thousands of writers from different eras and times. Is it not amazing? The mere reading will understand how Defoe thought what outlook was at Wells, and that puzzled Jansson. The mere reading will allow us to feel, to understand, to feel the writer, even if he is already dead. It is for this reason, any, even very old book - a real "time machine", which you may change your whole life.

Generally reading - an essential process in the formative stages of adult personality. A process that begins in infancy, when the child read aloud his parents or relatives. And ending with a mature age, while experiencing personal problems and spiritual growth, when literature rescues from depression sets morals and ideals. Books and reading have on all of us a huge impact, shape us. They make us human. This - all of their benefits!

ребят,помогите с переводом, пожалуйста.

It's not usually as cold in Britain as it is in Russia or Canada. In some parts of Britain winter goes by without any snow falling at all.
It doesn't usually get very cold in the winter or very hot in the summer.
It's not true that Britain is a wet and foggy country. It may not rain very much but you can never be sure of a dry day. Sometimes it rains so heavily that the British say "It's raining cats and dogs."
That's why British people say "Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather." The weather in England changes very quickly. Sometimes the British have weather from each season all in one day.
People often say that the British talk about die weather all the time. This is an exaggeration, hut it's certainly true that the weather is a good way to start a conversation with a stranger. Because of the changeable weather there is always something to talk about in Britain even with a person you don't know.

How would you like to live three hundred and sixty kilometres above the Earth,flying at almost thirty thousand kilometres an hour through dark,airless

space? well, that's exatly how the astronauts working on the giant International Spase station live. 'Cool!' you might say. Well... maybe. Let's take a look at what it's really like to live in spase. Переведите текст,пожалуйста :)

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