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14. This is a room. It is ____ good room. __ nice city. 2. ____ pen is red, and ____ pencil is black. 3. Please, give Bess ____ pen and ____ pencil. 4.

1-4 класс

Volgograd is ____ big city. 5. Please, send Jane ____ text. 6. This is his ____ flat. 7. Please give me ____ black pencil. 8. This is ____ text. Read ____ text! 9. This is ____ cap. ____ cap is black. 10. This is ____ match. It is ____ thin match. 11. This is ____ fine film. 12. Please, give me ____ pen, Kate. 13. Please, take that pencil, Jane. Give me ____ pencil. It is ____ bad pencil. 14. This is a room. It is ____ good room.

Rayakapchinska 17 марта 2017 г., 10:20:23 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 марта 2017 г., 11:56:13 (7 лет назад)

It is a good room. A nice city.

This pen is red, and this pen is black.Please give Bess this pen and this pencil. Volgograd is a big city. Please, send Jane this text. This is his flat. Please give me a black pencil. This is a text. Read the text.This is a cap. This cap is black. This a a match. It is a thin match. This is a fine film. Please, give me the pencil, Kate. Give me the pencil. It is a bad pencil.It is a good room.

+ 0 -
17 марта 2017 г., 12:38:31 (7 лет назад)

this is a room.It is a good room. A nice city. This pen is red, and this pen is black.Please give Bess this pen and this pencil. Volgograd is a big city. Please, send Jane this text. This is his flat. Please give me a black pencil. This is a text. Read the text.This is a cap. This cap is black. This a a match. It is a thin match. This is a fine film. Please, give me the pencil, Kate. Give me the pencil. It is a bad pencil.



Другие вопросы из категории

Выбрать правильный глагол:

I spend/spent two weeks of my summer holidays in the summer camp.
I enjoy/enjoyed doing different activities. climbing, biking.
Now I am/was not afraid of water.
I iike/liked talking to the girls there and now two of these girls are/were my good friends.
I enjoyed to stay/staying at the camp because I have/had a fantastic time there.
I hope I go/will go there next summre. I can't wait to go.

прочитай предложения и вставь is или are. example:there are two windows in the living room. 1)there__ a kitchen and three bedrooms in the

house.2)there___ no picture in the hall.3)___there a pantry in the house?-yes,there___two pantries. 4)___ there any bookc in the bedroom?

Данное сравнение надо написать наоборот!!! Помогите!!!

1.The cat is bigger than the mouse. The cat is bigger than the mouse,but smaller than the horse.

Помогите плиз!

Напишите рассказ о моем отдыхе в Сочи!
Про море только не пишите, там 3 прошедшего простого, 3 прошедшего длительного, 3 настоящего простого и три настоящего длительного)))) буду очень благодарна!)))))

Читайте также

Надо вставить some,any,a

This is my room.It's small,but very nice.I,ve got 1) __________ desk,2)____________ bed,3)_____________ chairs and 4)________ pictures.I haven't got 5)__________ toys,but l've got 6)_________ computer games because l've got 7)_________ computer

! 1. This is the...........?...........(difficult/more difficult/most difficult) test i have ever......?....(do/did/done)!

2. This is the.....?......(good/better/best) house i have ever........?......(see/saw/seen).
3. -She...........?........(didn't see/hasn't seen) the film.
-Bat she has. It's..........(a/нечего/the) film she.....?....(sees/saw/has seen) when she.......?......(was/has been) in London.
4.I.....................?................(did not sleep/have not slept) well last night.
5.................?..............(Did you hear/ Have you heard) the news yet?
6.We........?..........(saw/have seen) our friends on Saturday. It...........?...........(took/has taken) us............................(a/an/the) hour to get to....................(there/their) place.
7.i lake............(cook/to cook). I can................(cook/to cook well.
8.A..................(Fisherman/fishermen) is a person................(who/which)............(Catches/is catching) fish.
9.-What...............(a/an/ничего) expensive hotel!
-Yes I.............(Didn't/have never)...................(stay/stayed) in such..............(a/an/ничего) expensive hotel.
10.Don't go out! ...............................(It rains/It is raining)......................(Hard/hardly)

Write seven sentences about your classroom. Use the words: big, light, windows, maps, a computer, a tape- recorder. This is our classroom. It

is_________ and_______ .. This is ____ .And that is_____. . These are______. And those are_____ ..

Сделай подписи к картинкам. Образец: This is a wet dog.-Is this a wet dog?- Yes, it is. 1) This is a................. -Is this a.........

rabbit? No,it.... (на картинке кролик)

2) This is a...... -Is this a...... cat? - Yes, ...... (кот)

! 1. This is the...........?...........(difficult/more difficult/most difficult) test i have ever......?....(do/did/done)!

2. This is the.....?......(good/better/best) house i have ever........?......(see/saw/seen).
3. -She...........?........(didn't see/hasn't seen) the film.

-Bat she has. It's..........(a/нечего/the) film
she.....?....(sees/saw/has seen) when she.......?......(was/has been) in
4.I.....................?................(did not sleep/have not slept) well last night.
5.................?..............(Did you hear/ Have you heard) the news yet?
seen) our friends on Saturday. It...........?...........(took/has
taken) us............................(a/an/the) hour to get
to....................(there/their) place.
7.i lake............(cook/to cook). I can................(cook/to cook well.
8.A..................(Fisherman/fishermen) is a person................(who/which)............(Catches/is catching) fish.
9.-What...............(a/an/ничего) expensive hotel!
-Yes I.............(Didn't/have never)...................(stay/stayed) in such..............(a/an/ничего) expensive hotel.
10.Don't go out! ...............................(It rains/It is raining)......................(Hard/hardly)

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