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What mustn`t people do on the campsite? Write 3-5 sentences.Look at the picture for ideas.

5-9 класс

Moirai100 07 февр. 2015 г., 21:55:24 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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07 февр. 2015 г., 22:55:19 (9 лет назад)

They mustn`t drop litter or the ground.

They mustn`t burn bonfires.

They mustn`t break branches.

They mustn`t play loud music.


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ПОЖАЛУЙСТА составьте все виды вопросов к этим двум предложениям

1) My friends live in America.
2) They are writing new words in their copybooks
Разделительные(делиться на два )

. What other opinions about the British do people have?For example: They say that the English are a tradition-loving people. - The English are said to be

a tradition-loving people
transform the sentences according to the mod!
a) People believe that the British talk about the weather all the time. People think that the English do not like changes very much. People consider that the British are not good at learning foreign languages. People say that the English do not spend much money on clothes. People believe that the Scots are careful with money. k) people think that the Irish are great talkers. n) people consider that the Irish have ``a sweet tooth;they love cakes,chocolate and sweets. m) People know that the British don`t like to show their feelings.

Помогите с заданием!

Ask questions about the sentence: Mrs Grey described our students and showed our photos in her school.
Example: Whom did Mrs Grey described?
1) Who ______________________________?
2) What students_______________________________?
3) What did_________________________________?
4) _____________________________________________?
5) ______________________________________________?

Читайте также

I. Put the verbs in the correct form. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and

(to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock. For breakfast she (to eat) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. On Sunday we (to go) swimming. My brother (to play) the guitar in a band. I (to do) my homework in my room. They (to have) lunch at 10 o’clock. You always (to listen to) this song.

II. Change the verbs into the correct form. Make question forms.

I ( to wake up) at five in the morning? You (to go) to work by train? She (to drink) coffee every morning? Alexander (to exercise) regularly? You (to rest) enough? What time … you (to get up) in the morning? Where … your friend (to study)? Which TV programmes … you (to watch)? What … you (to do) on holidays? Where … your parents (to live)?

III. Change the sentences from positive into negative:

1. The sun rises in the west.The English Queen lives in Alaska. Manchester United footballers wear yellow shirts. Kangaroos come from Canada. In Britain people drive on the right. He drinks coffee for breakfast. They live in London. My friend speaks English. I like rock music.

10. We have classes on Sundays.

I. Put the verbs in the correct form. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and

(to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock. For breakfast she (to eat) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. On Sunday we (to go) swimming. My brother (to play) the guitar in a band. I (to do) my homework in my room. They (to have) lunch at 10 o’clock. You always (to listen to) this song.

II. Change the verbs into the correct form. Make question forms.

I ( to wake up) at five in the morning? You (to go) to work by train? She (to drink) coffee every morning? Alexander (to exercise) regularly? You (to rest) enough? What time … you (to get up) in the morning? Where … your friend (to study)? Which TV programmes … you (to watch)? What … you (to do) on holidays? Where … your parents (to live)?

III. Change the sentences from positive into negative:

1. The sun rises in the west.The English Queen lives in Alaska. Manchester United footballers wear yellow shirts. Kangaroos come from Canada. In Britain people drive on the right. He drinks coffee for breakfast. They live in London. My friend speaks English. I like rock music.

10. We have classes on Sundays.

Sudents must keep the premises clean and TIDY! Bedrooms You mustn't make noise. You mustn't put posters on the


You can't keep pets in the rooms.

You can't have parties in your room at any time.

Common room

You can use the common room but you must get permission to invite friends or have parties.

You can decorate the common room but you mustn't move the furniture.

You can't use the common room after 21:00 on weekdays.

Dining hall

You mustn't come to the dining room barefoot.

You mustn't remove food from the dining room.

Outdoor areas

You mustn't park your bike in the garden.

You must cycle carefully.

You can't take your bike inside the school buildings.

You mustn't feed the squirrels or the birds.


You must always register your overnight guests at the Accommodation Office.

Guests can't stay for a period longer than

Помогите мне!!! У меня вопросы на которые я не могу ответить щас я напишу: 1.) When was the zoo open? 2.) Where is the zoo situated? 3.) How many animal

s live there? 4.) What else can people do in the zoo besides watching animals? 5.) When can people vizit the zoo? помогите я сейчас напишу текст по этим вопросам : Диана:
Для моей семьи, нет места лучше, чтобы жить, чем деревня. Мы живем в тихой деревне среди озера с кристальной водой, прекрасными соснами и зелеными полями. Мы окружены красотой природы. Ты не можешь наслаждаться восходом солнца в городе так же, как в деревне. Смотреть на просторные зеленые поля и деревья в деревне намного приятнее, чем на стены домов в городе. Деревенская жизнь позволяет нам заводить любых домашних животных и фермерских животных.
Многие семьи в деревне дружелюбны и близки. Деревенские люди намного дружелюбнее, трудолюбивее и полезнее(что??))). Они другие. Они могут быть фермерами, или писателями, или художниками. Но они сильно (дословно"глубоко") любят природу.
Если ты предпочитаешь проводить время нюхая розы возле двери дома и имеешь настоящих друзей, живи в деревне и отпусти город.

Где лучше жить: в деревне или в городе? Ответ зависит от того, что вам нравится.
Сейчас, многие люди говорят, что любят жить в деревне, но я выберу город. Первое, в городе ты можешь познакомиться с интересными людьми, которые намного отличаются от деревенских. Здесь каждый знает друг друга и это небольшие сюрпризы. Также, город намного богаче чем деревня в кинотеатрах, театрах, музеях, кофе-шопах (видимо, имеется ввиду кафе) и ресторанах. Ты можешь посетить стадионы, где известные спортивные команды играют почти каждую неделю. Местные и иностранные музыканты выступают в парках и на концертах. В галлереях выставляются работы из многих стран, а так же societies (объединение,организация..) каждого интереса и хобби: книги, шахматы, танцы, путешествия и многое другое.
Я, конечно, не ненавижу деревню, я предпочитаю ее для каникул. Я буду всегда выбирать жить в или рядом с городом. а вот английский текст а то был перевод.

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What the name of the biggest lake on the continent is?
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What other cities you can find on the map of Australia?
Ответьте на вопросы и получите 80 баллов.

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