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Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение по английскому про день рождения.очень надо на завтра!!! На тему: МОЙ САМЫЙ ЗАПОМИНАЮЩИЙСЯ ДЕНЬ РОЖДЕНИЯ! ( все

1-4 класс

глаголы должны быть в прошедшем времени )

MALOKSANA1 31 дек. 2013 г., 15:23:03 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 дек. 2013 г., 16:32:02 (10 лет назад)

My friend had a birthday ...

+ 0 -
31 дек. 2013 г., 18:40:35 (10 лет назад)

Birthday is such a wonderful day for everybody! Many people like to celebrate it. On this day you are in the centre of attention. You can spend time with your parents, friends and relatives and get a lot of presents. People like their birthdays because of the presents, too.

I was born on the 15th of June. Birthday is a very remarkable day for me. It is the beginning of summer so the weather is usually great!

On this day in the morning my parents come into my room and say, "Happy Birthday!" And, of course, they don’t forget about presents. They usually know beforehand what my secret wish is. I enjoy surprises but still it’s better to know what I am going to get.

My telephone keeps ringing all the day, people are calling to say “Happy birthday!” and this really great to feel that people remember about you.

Usually we go for a picnic on my birthday, but his year I want to have my birthday party at home. I will celebrate my birthday on Saturday so everybody can come. We have invited my friends and relatives to the party. There will be 12 people. We usually have big parties at home and like to meet guests. My parents help me organize this party. My father and I go shopping to buy food and everything we need for the party and my mom stays at home to start cooking. She also lays the table, she does it perfectly. When we come back I start helping my mom with cooking in the kitchen. We cook a lot of tasty food. When everything is ready we dress up, make our hair and wait for the guests.

At five o'clock my relatives and friends arrive to congratulate me and I am happy to see them. They bring a lot of flowers, presents, postcards and sweets. I have got a lot of nice presents - a computer, a couple of DVD’s, a yo-yo, postcards and money. I thank them all.

I usually enjoy my birthday parties. We have a good holiday dinner and everybody is merry. We dance, make jokes, sing karaoke, play games, speak about different things and don’t forget about tasty things on the table. My mom brings the birthday cake and I blow the candles out.

Everyone enjoys the party very much. After the party we go for a walk. This is one of the best holidays for me.

Перевод некоторых слов:

a birthday - день рождения, to celebrate - отмечать, remarkable - выдающийся, запоминающийся, relatives - родственники, in the centre of attention - в центре внимания, to forget - забывать, beforehand - заранее, a secret wish - тайное желание, the telephone keeps ringing - телефон звонит без умолку, to remember - помнить, perfectly - идеально, to lay the table - накрывать на стол, tasty food - вкусная еда, to dress up - одеваться, to congratulate - поздравлять, a guest - гость, to make the hair - укладывать волосы, to blow the candles out - задувать свечи, a yo-yo - йо-йо (игрушка)


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Ребят!помогите пожалуйста..надо написать сочинение по английскому.10 предложений.На английский плиз Переведите)(только не из переводчика)

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А еще летом мой день рождения.он у меня в августе.Мне будет исполняется 12 лет.Я очень жду лето.Потому что лето, мое любимое время года.И мне нравится лето тем, что летом каникуьы.Я всем желаю удачных каникул!))

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