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Ребят, помогите перевести пожалуйста! The Russian government sold a 16 percent stake in diamond miner

10-11 класс

Alrosa at the bottom of a planned price range Monday, highlighting the lack of progress in a state privatization drive that was supposed to net $13 billion this year.

The $1.3 billion stake in Alrosa, which vies with De Beers for the mantle of the world's largest diamond producer, is the Russian state's only sale this year and one of the ten biggest in Europe so far in 2013.

But the low sale price prompted some analysts to suggest it had been a struggle to place all of the shares on offer, adding to the delays or false starts that have hampered the plan to generate $13.44 billion from sell-offs this year.

Alrosa's offer price of 35 rubles per share, putting the company's market capitalization at 258 billion rubles ($8.12 billion), was at the bottom of the projected range of 35 rubles and 38 rubles a share.

"At least they got something, but not that much, and it was way below what they had originally planned," said UralSib economist Alexei Devyatov.

"There is no clear political will in the government to do the privatization. … They do not fulfill their own plans."

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in 2010 laid out a program of sales aimed at drawing more investment and energy into the state sector and revitalizing the weaker areas of a $2.1 trillion economy now growing at its slowest pace in four years.

But the government has since proceeded to slash the privatization targets, unable to reach a consensus on deadlines for sales and hampered by officials who argue that a weak global economy makes this the wrong time to sell some of the prize assets on offer.

Sales of shipping group Sovcomflot, a stake in oil monopoly Rosneft

MMMMMMMMMMMMMatem 03 марта 2015 г., 15:14:28 (9 лет назад)
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03 марта 2015 г., 16:57:51 (9 лет назад)

Правительство России продал16 -процентную долю в алмазодобывающей компании АЛРОСА в нижней частиценового диапазона запланированных понедельник , подчеркнув отсутствие прогресса внакопитель приватизации , которая должна была чистая $ 13 млрд в этом году .
$ 1,3 млрд. акций АЛРОСА , которая соперничает с De Beers за мантию крупнейшим производителем алмазов в мире , находится всего в продаже Русского государства в этом году и одна из десяти крупнейших в Европе до сих пор в 2013 году.
 Однако низкая цена продажи побудило некоторых аналитиков предполагают, что это была борьба, чтобы разместить все акции на предложение , добавляя к задержкам или фальстарт , которые препятствовали план для получения $ 13440000000 от распродажи в этом году.
Цена предложения АЛРОСА 35 рублей за акцию , поставив рыночную капитализацию компании на 258 000 000 000 рублей ( $ 8120 млн ) , была в нижней части проецируемого диапазоне от 35 рублей и 38 рублей за акцию.
" По крайней мере, они получили что-то, но не так много, и это было значительно ниже того, что они изначально планировали ", сказал экономист УРАЛСИБ Алексей Девятов .
" Там ​​нет четкой политической волиправительства сделать приватизацию .... Они не выполняют свои собственные планы. "
Премьер-министр РФ Дмитрий Медведев в 2010 году выложил программу продаж направлена ​​на привлечение дополнительных инвестиций и энергии в государственном секторе и оживления слабого области$ 2100000000000 экономика сейчас растет самыми медленными темпами за четыре года.
Но правительство с тех пор приступили к чертуприватизации действие, не может достичь консенсуса о сроках продажи и мешают чиновники, которые утверждают, что слабая мировая экономика делает этонеподходящее время, чтобы продать частьактивов приз на предложение.
Продажи Доставка группы Совкомфлот , доля в нефтяной монополии Роснефть и железных дорог России все были на картах в этом году , согласно планам с октября прошлого года . Прошел год , только Алроса была завершена.
Первый вице-премьер Игорь Шувалов заявил в понедельник , что цены от продажи АЛРОСА показала надежную уровень интереса инвесторов .
" Был предложение об установлении нижнего предела цены около 33 рублей. Мы взяли на себя риск и установить цену на уровне 35 рублей ... как превышение и качество инвесторов показывают, что решение было правильным ", сказал Шувалов , выступая на церемонии началапродажи на Московской фондовой бирже .
Два источника, близких к сделке, заявил портфель заказов превысил предложение на 30 до 40 процентов, в то время как другие источники рынка сказал, что американские инвесторы быликрупными покупателямиакций , приобретение до 60 процентов от ставки.
России инвесторов приходится около 14 процентов.
Покупатели включены США по управлению активами группы Lazard Capital и инвестиционных фирм , Highbridge , OppenheimerFunds и PIMCO , а также поддерживаемого государством фонда,России фонд прямых инвестиций , или РФПИ , задачей которого является с инвестором с частными партнерами .


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Works keep us from three great evils
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Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. Example: They________fromRome.They’refrom
A n o t ■ ■ B a r e n ’ t ■ ■✓ C i s n ’ t ■ ■
1 ‘Have you finished that report?’ ‘No, not ________.'
A just■ B already■ C yet■
2 What ________ you do yesterday afternoon?
A are■ B did■ C do■
3 I ________ in the park when it started raining.
A sat ■ B wassitting ■ C sit ■
4 ‘________ you ever been to the museum?’ first time.’
‘No, this is the
A Had■ B Has■ C Have■
5 He couldn’t remember where he ________ his car.
A had parked ■ B was parking ■ C hasparked ■
6 We ________ work tomorrow.
A haven’tto ■ B don’thaveto ■ C mustto ■
7 I ________ the gym on Thursday evenings.
A go usually to ■ B always go ■ C oftengoto ■
8 I put ________ salt in the pasta.
A alittle ■ B toomany ■ C afew ■
9 Hello! Come in. I’ve ________ made some coffee. Would you like some?
A just■ B already■ C yet■
10 ‘I don’t want to rent a horror film.’ ‘________ do I.’
A Neither ■ B So ■ C Either ■
11 ________ in the sea makes you really strong.
A Swim ■ B Swimming ■ C Swiming ■
12 It’s snowing. ________.
A Putting your hat on ■ B Your hat put on ■ C Putyourhaton ■
13 A key is a thing ________ you use to open doors.
A where■ B which■ C who■
14 ________ to the basketball match on Saturday?
A Areyougoing ■ B Doyougo ■
C Willyougo ■
15 She ________ invite him if she didn’t want him to come.
A won’t ■ B not ■ C wouldn’t ■
16 I need some advice. What ________ I do? A should ■ B must ■ C could ■
17 This castle ________ in 1600.
A was built ■ B built ■ C was build ■
18 I don’t have ________ money left, because I bought a new jacket.
A much■ B many■ C lots■
19 He ________ me not to tell anyone.
A say■ B told■ C said■
20 What ________ you do if she doesn’t reply to your email?
A will■ B would■ C do■
21 Let’s order a pizza. We don’t have ________ to cook for dinner.
A nothing ■ B anything ■ C something ■
22 They’ve lived in the same house ________ forty years.
A for■ B since■ C ago■
23 I ________ come and see you tonight if I can borrow Joe’s car.
A must ■ B might ■ C haveto ■ 24 I think this is the ________ song on the CD.
A better ■ B mostbest ■ C best ■ 25 That case is too heavy for you. I ________ you.
A ’llhelp ■ B help ■ C ’mgoingtohelp ■

Упр.1(Exercise1.) Вставьте глагол TO BE в настоящем простом

времени.(Fill in the blanks with the verb TO BE in the PRESENT SIMPLE.)
1.What---your name? My name---Ann.
2.Where---you from? I---from London.
3.My father---not a teacher, he---a physician.
4.---they at home? No, they---not at home, they---at the college.

помогите пожалуйста из пассивного залога в активный перевести ..заранее спасибо7. the article will be writtenby Peter.8.modern theovies say that

America was discovered bu Columbus in 1492.9.by whom is your French class
tought?10.this room can be used for our cinema club. 11. what kind of
clothes must be worn in the morning?12.the key to this room has been
lost.13.the door was closed with a long(by Edward).14.the glassed bookcases
were filled with files and records of bills paind.15.the letter will be sent
tomorrow in the afternoon (by Mary)

Читайте также

Помогите перевести текст-The Russian Federation is the largest county in the void, it occupies about 1/7(one-seventh) of the Earth strace The county is

situated in Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia. its total area is over 17 mil. lion square kilometres. The Russian Federation swashed ly 12 three oceans the le. seas o tie, the Atlantic and the Pacific in the south and in the west the county borders on foureen countries it sea-border ith the USA. also has a There le no countries in the world where such great taney ofпоra a and launa can be found as in our land our ounty has numerous bests. plains and steppes, laga md tundra, highlands and desers The highest mountains in orland are the Altai, the Urals and the Caucasus Thereare over two thousand rivёвn the Russian Federation. The longest of them are the Volga, the Ob', the Yenisei, the L.ena and the Amur our land is also rich in lakes ith the deepest lake in the world the Baikal, included.The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 11 time zones. The climate conditions are rather different: from arctic and moderate to continental and subtropical. Our country is one of the richest in natural resources countries in the world: oil, natural gas, coal, different ores, fer- rous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals. The Russian Federation is a multinational state. It comprises many national districts, several autonomous republics and regions. he popula- tion of the country is about 140 million people Moscow, the capital of Russian Federation, is the largest political. scientific, cultural and industnal center of the country and one of the most beautiful cities on the globe. Russian is the official language of the state. The national symbols ofthe Russian Federation are awhite-blue-red ban. ner and a double-headed eagle The Russian Federation is a constitutional republic headed by the president. The country govemment consists of three branches: legisla- tive, executive and judicial. The President controls only the executive the government, but not the Supreme Court and Fed branch of eral A The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly comprising two chambers: the Council of Federation(upper Chamber) and the State Duma(lower Chamber. Each chamber is headed by the Speaker The ex- ecutive power belongs to the govemment(the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister The judicial power belongs to the system of Courts comprising the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and ederal courts. Our country has a multiparty system. The foreign policy of the Russian Federation is that of international cooperation, peace and friendship with all nations irrespective of theirpo. litical and social systems.

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According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation every citizen of our country has the right to education.' Secondary schools, colleges and higher educational establishments ensure it. It is also ensured by the development of extra-mural and evening courses and the system of state scholarships and grants., At the age of 6 or 7 boys and girls go to school and they stay here until they are 14 - 17 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects, such as Russian literature ,mathematics, history, biology, physics, foreign languages and others according to curricula. After finishing 9 forms of a secondary school young people can continue their education in the 10th and 11th forms. They can go to a technical school, where they can study academic subjects and receive a profession. W college gives general knowledge in academic subjects and profound knowledge in one or several subjects.

ребят помогите перевести пожалуйста на русский заранее спасибо!

in air guru every body can typa, but only one person con, ride a motorbike. eight people can draw, but nobody can ride a horse. a few people can.

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Punta Paloma resort.
1. Punta Paloma is a luxury nature resort, located on Honduras's Caribbean coast only one hour from La Ceiba International Airport. It is set in the magnificent rainforest of the Punta Paloma National Park. At Punta Paloma we offer service with a smile from the moment you arrive. You will be greeted with a welcome cocktail while your luggage is collected from your car. Then you will be taken to your secluded guest cabin hidden among the coffee and cacao trees.
2. In Punta Paloma, you decide. Enjoy delicious Central American cuisine in our elegant restaurant with views of the Bay Islands, or have your dinner served in the garden. Relax in our comfortable terrace bar, or have your drinks served by the pool. Choose from a delightful selection of fresh food at our breakfast buffet, or have breakfast brought to your room.
3. There's plenty to do during your stay at Punta Paloma. Follow forest paths through the hotel grounds and into the national park. Our guides will help you identify the exotic local birds and wildlife. Go riding, whitewater rafting, or snorkelling on the coral reefs. Take a day trip to the ancient ruins of Copan and have your photo taken beside a Mayan temple. Or simply relax by the pool!
4. At Punto Paloma, you will find the hotel staff friendly, efficient, and ready to help in any way. You only have to ask! Have you hair cut and styled by a qualified hairdresser. Have your clothes washed and ironed overnight. Have international newspapers brought to your room. Or simply hang out the sign and enjoy the peace and quiet.

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